Chapter 16 Hurt But Alive

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   Marinette screams "Adrien!" She sees blood. She is worried. Who is it that got hurt? Was it Adrien?

       Adrien groans but stands up. He has blood on his hands. He looks around him and sees the bad man lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The waiter has a bit of blood on him too. The waiter's hand is scratched.

  Marinette runs to her boyfriend's side,  "Adrien, are you alright?" 

    "I think so, but I am sorry I will have to cut our date short, and..." Adrien says. He starts to fall. Marinette catches him.

    "Adrien?" She gets no answer.

   Marinette picks him up and puts him back in the chair.  "Adrien, speak to me, please," Marinette says. She is frightened.

  Adrien stares at her without saying another word. He takes a sip of the tea. Marinette holds his hand. She sees a gash on his arm and forehead. Oh, no, he is hurt.

   The police arrive to clean up the mess. "I will need to question you two later, but I think he may need medical attention in the meantime, " The officers tell Marinette.

     The paramedics put something on Adrien's forehead and bandaged it. Then, they do the same to his arm. He winces when they touch his arm.

        Adrien sobs. This is not how it was supposed to go. Why did this happen? Does this mean he made a mistake?

           Marinette hugs him. She does care that she got some blood on her. 

           "Adrien, come on, we can get the food to go," She says. The waiter smiles at them. He feels bad this happened because Adrien Agreste was protecting him. He hands Marinette a to-go bag, and some two-go things with some food already in them.

          Adrien's jacket starts to slide off. Marinette drapes it over her shoulders, grabs her purse, and the to-go bag, and holds Adrien's arm. "Let's go, Adrien," Marinette whispers.

     Marinette helps him to the ambulance. She sighs. The date was an utter disaster. Does this mean they should break up? She felt tears sting as they fell. She went to her car and put the food in the back with Adrien's jacket, and her purse in the passenger's seat. 

       Alix heard on the news, what happened, and had delivered the car to her. Marinette was so relieved. She drove home first, put the food into freezer bags, and stuck it in the freezer to save for later. She changed her outfit, cleaned off her purse, and went back to the car.

   "Alix, if you need me I will be at the hospital, take care," Marinette calls out.

     "Marinette, take this," Alix hands her a cup of coffee. "Thanks, Alix," Marinette says. She drives to the hospital to check on Adrien.

         She sighs when she sees the blood-stained left sleeve of his jacket. Should she have it dry-cleaned to surprise him? 

     She arrives at the hospital twenty minutes later. She parks as close as she can to the entrance without blocking it. She looks closer at the jacket and gasps when a bag with a wrapped item inside falls out. She puts it inside her purse. Now is not the time to ask about it.

        She leaves the jacket in the backseat and enters with her purse. She also has the coffee that Alix gave her. Her stomach rumbles reminding her she missed dinner. She sighs.

    She goes to visit Adrien.


     Alya, Marinette's other roommate, just got back in town. She hears on the radio about Adrien. "Girl, do not worry, Alya's on the way!" She stops somewhere to buy a few things. She smiles. She goes to Chick-fil-A, and orders a salad for herself, and some chicken tenders and fries for Marinette. 

       Alya arrives there thirty minutes later. She abandons the salad in the car. She grabs up the purchases and Marinette's food. She burst through the doors to the hospital.

   "Adrien Agreste room?" She asks.

      "He is in surgery at the moment, Miss."

       Alya finds Marinette in the waiting room and gives her the food, and bag. "Here, girl, I am sorry, I got here as soon as I could manage," Alya says. She hugs her.

       Marinette hugs Alya glad that she is back. It seems that at least Alya is here when she needs a friend. She eats the sandwich, and fries. She sobs between bites. When she finishes, she sniffs.

      Alya throws away the trash and then sits beside her best friend. "It is okay, Marinette, I am not going anywhere."

   "What about Nino?" Marinette asks.

   "Oh, he plans to come out here in a few weeks," Alya answers.

      Marinette grows tired from worry and stress. She falls asleep. Alya smiles, glad her friend can get some rest for the moment. She gets herself some water from a vending machine and comes back.

    The doctor tells Alya, "Miss Cesarie, Adrien Agreste is out of surgery now. The doctors were successful in stitching up his arm. His forehead seems to have been injured too, but it looks like it got the less messed up. For that, he needs to put ice on it, and take Advil. 

    Marinette wakes up. "Ah, Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng, your boyfriend, is fine. He will stay overnight for observation, but he is blessed." The doctor tells her.

      She shows Marinette and Alya to Adrien's room. 

         Marinette has the bag, her purse, and the box with her. She thinks the doctor. 

   The doctor leaves.

  Adrien looks around him confused. What happened?


  "Yes, I am here, and Alya came too."

    "Alya, how are things with you and Nino?" Adrien asks.

   "They are great, and Nino is coming here in a few weeks," Alya explains.

         "Adrien, your arm was badly hurt so you had stitches and stay here for tonight," Alya explains.

      "Yes, and you have to take Advil every 6 hours and have an ice pack on your forehead," Marinette adds.

    Adrien grimaces. "What happened to my jacket?" He seems concerned about it.

        "Oh, it is my car. Alix brought it to me and got her friend to give her a ride back home." Marinette explains.

      "Good, but what about the...?" Adrien asks.

    "It is safe in my purse.  I did not open it yet."

    "I am sorry, Marinette. I was going to surprise you..." He trailed off.

       "Shh, you can do that later. For now, I am happy you are alive."

   "What happened to the crazy man who tried to kill the waiter and attached you?" Marinette ask.

"Oh, the police say he was dead," Adrien answers.

   "B-but that means..."Marinette feels sad.

   "Yes, it means I-I k-killed him, but it was an accident. I suppose it was self-defense in a way."

    "Adrien that was dangerous, the way you jumped on him and when I saw blood, I thought...I thought..." Marinette sobs. Adrien holds her hand. "I am sorry, I did not mean to make you cry, darling."

       Alya sniffs. She thinks Adrienette is cute and deserves the best.

 The story continues in Chapter 17

  Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!


In Love with My Online Girfriend by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now