Chapter 19 Married to My Love

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  Adrien and Marinette were getting married in the church. They were both feeling nervous as it was the biggest step they had ever taken. Neither of them had done something this huge before today. They were happy to be together for the rest of their lives.

      As Marinette came down the aisle after Alya, she smiled. Adrien quit holding his breath when he saw her, goodness she was beautiful. Adrien had flown Marinette's parents in from another country for the wedding. It was a nice surprise for her to see her mother and father in the audience. Marinette joined hands with Adrien. 

  Adrien and Marinette listened attentively as the pastor spoke. Adrien was the first to respond to the questions, saying "I do". Then, it was Marinette's turn, and she replied, "I do". With the exchange of wedding rings complete, they prayed together to mark the occasion. Then, Adrien kissed the bride and they turned to face the small group gathered around them.

      Chole came with her boyfriend, Nathaniel. Marc came with Alice, Ivan with Mylene, Alix with Max, Rose came alone, Miles came with Sabrina, Alya with Nino, and of course, Tom with Sabine, Gabriel with Emilie, and Adrien's sister Aurore came.  The others were unavailable to come.

       Max was the photographer, Nino was the music coordinator, Alya was responsible for the decorations, and Mylene had brought the flowers. 

       After the wedding, the two glanced at each other, They danced, ate some nice refreshments, shared some cake, and Marinette threw the bouquet.  Sabrina caught the flowers and everyone cheered. Miles blushed. 

         The others tossed bird seeds in the air. Marinette was pleased as it was much healthier for birds than rice. The two rode in Marinette's car -since Adrien's had not been sent, to the honeymoon in Jamaica. It was a fine time for one week. It went by fast, but Adrien did not notice because he was married to his love. 

           Six months after the wedding, Marinette got the flu. She had caught it from Adrien after he came home early from work with it. The two did their best to make the most of it. They took turns refining the cups with water, Gatorade, ginger ale, or tea, and holding each other's hair back when the other needed to throw up.

        Time skip brought to you by Adrien's silly antics!

     Two months later, Marinette noticed she had gained ten pounds since her wedding day. She thought it was because of all the cooking she was doing. She tried to add less salt to the meals thinking that would help, but soon discovered that was not the cause of the weight gain.

    "What do you mean, I am pregnant?" Marinette asked. She and Adrien had discussed children, but they assumed that would not be for a long way down the road. To say she was shocked would be an understatement.

    "Marinette Agreste, it is plain and simple, you gained weight because of the baby," The doctor repeats himself.

   Adrien grins a big smile. "Yes, we are having a child! Parenthood here we come!" He said.

 The end...


little owlets!

Summer out!

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