Chapter 5 - The Lone Islands

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Lauren was still reeling from the stand down she had with Eustace in front of everyone. Not only had her cousins witnessed her aural attack, but Caspian had as well. Trust Eustace Scrubb to ruin what was otherwise the perfect day.

She found herself yet again at the bow of the ship and sitting by the dragons head, which was fast becoming Lauren's favourite part of the whole vessel.

The mermaids once again made their presence known whilst Lauren peered down into the water splashing around the sides of the ship. Just one smile from them lifted Lauren's mood. It was impossible to stay depressed for long when in such a magical place.

Thinking back to the conversation she had found herself amerced in with Caspian not long before had Lauren questioning her actions. There must be times when he wanted to just run away from everything. God knows he has had a traumatic life. His parents were killed soon after his birth, he was run out of his own kingdom and his Uncle, his own flesh and blood had made an attempt on his life. At least Lauren had known her parents, she had a happy life overall. Yet she was the one running to the furthest part of the ship whilst Caspian stood there steadfast and strong.

How was she going to look him in the eye now?

Lauren gathered her strength, resolving in her head that she would completely ignore all of the future moaning and insults that would no doubt come from Eustace. She would enjoy her time in Narnia just like she had originally planned and she would not let anyone ruin it for her.

The sun was finally setting, an ocean mist covering the surface of the water like a ghostly fog and still the mermaids stayed. Lauren was captivated by them. They didn't seem to have a care in the world.

One of the mermaids waved up at Lauren gesturing goodbye and when they swam away from the ship and Lauren followed their passage with her eyes it was then through the fog she spotted something. At first she thought it was a giant creature coming towards them dark and slow. But as the mist parted she saw it was not a creature at all but land, land towering up above the horizon.

"CASPIAN!!!!!" the girl screamed, eager to get the Kings attention.

Moments later and as the fog once again blocked the view of what Lauren had seen, Caspian came running toward her. Edmund and Lucy closely following behind.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Caspian asked breathlessly with concern soaking his voice.

"I saw something. It was in the distance. I'm sure of it." Lauren confirmed, pointing in the direction of what she had just seen.

"I thought something terrible had happened." Caspian breathed out in relief, supporting himself on the side of the boat.

"Awww, you were worried about Lauren. That's adorable." Lucy giggled, making fun of the young King and rosy cheeked cousin that stood in front of her.

"Can we just get back to what Lauren saw please?" Edmund asked exasperated, eager to find out what Lauren thought she had seen.

"It was land, some kind of island or something." She finished, looking between the three.

"Drinian?" Caspian called.

"Yes your majesty." The Captain asked, coming up behind the now growing crowd that were congregating at the front of the ship to find out what the fuss was about.

"Fetch the telescope. Miss Pevensie says she saw land in the distance." The King ordered, embarrassing Lauren slightly as he called her Miss.

Less than a minute later Captain Drinian had handed over the apparatus and all that stood around Caspian gazed off into the distance with sharp eyes hoping to spot the landmark through the persisting fog.

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