Chapter 6 - Green Mist

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The group followed the sound of the bell that continued to chime loudly every few minutes. It was almost as if it were beckoning them, leading them into the unknown.

Eustace still trailing behind Edmund and Lucy whilst Caspian and Lauren stayed near to one another decided to break away from the rest as they ventured deeper into the city.

Eustace walked over to a building that looked like it could have been a house at some point. The space in the wall where the windows once were all boarded up, preventing prying eyes to see what lay inside.

Eustace was never the type of boy that accepted things as they were, he would fight whatever obstacle lay in front of him until he got his way. This time was no different. Like the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, Eustace knew he shouldn't go against what was obviously not wanted. He could not resist.

Reaching his quivering hands towards the boards which covered the old window Eustace grabbed hold of the weakest piece of wood and with all his strength pulled it from where it had been secured.

Slowly he leaned forward, nervous but determined to see what was hidden in the old stone building. There right in front of his eyes was a family, a living, breathing, scared looking family that consisted of an adult man, an elderly woman and two young children. "Why do they look so scared?" Eustace asked himself, gaze fixed on the people he had just discovered.

For one short moment the young boy was actually considering helping these people, something that went entirely against everything he had done in the past, but that was all it was, just a moment, a passing thought. Eustace could help the people but then something might happen to him, 'they look rabid' he thought, for some reason thinking that if he got close they might try and rip him apart or something of that nature.

All he wanted to do was find the British consol wherever they might be and get back to his nice, warm home. As a result he did exactly what everyone would expect him to do, he left them.

"Yeah, it looks like no ones in, so do you think we should be heading back?" Eustace informed. Running back to the other four who were now silently approaching the entrance of a building that looked somewhat like a church.

"Do you wanna come here and guard...something?" Edmund asked awkwardly, anything to get his cousin to stay out of trouble.

"Ah yes good idea cousin, very umm logical." Eustace replied breathlessly as he ran towards the others, now standing at the church door.

Lauren, Caspian, Edmund and Lucy then turned away from a nervous looking and expectant Eustace. Caspian was just about to push the large wood door open, longbow still in hand when Lauren glanced at him, then turned and walked back over to Eustace.

"Look I'm not going to pretend you're my favourite person in the world ok, but just be careful and don't do anything stupid." Lauren told her cousin reservedly before turning on her heels and walking back over to the church entrance.

"Here." Caspian said walking over to Eustace himself and handing him a dagger. A bemused expression on his face because it was quite clear the boy would have no idea what to do with such a weapon if the time called for it.

"I've got it, I've got it. Don't worry." Eustace tried to assure them all as they were opening the door and about to venture inside.

What met them as they entered could only be described as medieval looking. The solitary room was vast with a high vaulted roof that held more than a dozen bells, now obviously the source of the noise that had led them there. It was dark, almost too dark to see and leading up to a mantle at the far end was a row of statues on both sides, all at least 20 feet high and depicting what looked like old Kings.

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