Chapter 14 - Promise Me

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The sun that rose high above the horizon the next morning was one full of promise, promises of progress, promises of knowledge and promises of danger.

Lauren was the first to wake, the events of the last few days or so meaning she did not sleep very soundly. When she opened her eyes and sat up she could see that the rest of the group were still sound asleep, Eustace included. They looked so peaceful, their faces without the feared expressions that consumed them during the waking hours. She would leave them to sleep a while longer; they deserved all the rest they could get it. God knows they needed it.

She slowly got to her feet, stretching her arms in the air as she did so and proceeded to walk towards the shore, the calm sound of the breaking waves beckoning her forward.

The feeling of the cool water washing over her feet and the sun beaming down on her face couldn't help but make her feel positive. She had a feeling they were going to make some vast steps forward in their quest today.

Letting her eyes adjust she took a quick glance up towards the sun, just for the intent of seeing how high it was in the sky. The height of the sun always gave them an indication of the time of day. Caspian has taught her that.

As she did this something caught her eye just to the right and slightly higher than the beaming yellow orb. It was like a shining sapphire floating in the sky, it shining more when the light from the sun caught it at particular angles. Lauren was captivated by this thing in the sky, but what could it be? That's when she realised.

"Everybody. Everybody wake up." She called, turning to face her companions that were starting to rise after her calls.

"Come on wake up." She yelled back once more, when no one made an attempt to answer her call the first time.

Caspian had been sleeping soundly, lost in dreams that hinted at his future and then he was woken suddenly by Lauren shouting. That couldn't be good.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He worried, jumping to his feet and then bolting to her side.

"It's the blue star." She smiled; pointing up to the sky in front of them so everyone would notice it.

"Did I ever tell you I love you?" Caspian whispered, a mischievous hint in his voice as he did so. He could see how passionate she was becoming about saving the people of Narnia. She had no obligation, no gain from doing so but that's just the type of person she was, a person who cared. And that's who Caspian saw as he looked at her standing beside him on the beach, a happy but determined look on her face.

"I am sure you did once." She grinned in response, liking the prospect of a little mess around with Caspian.

"Well then I guess there is no need for me to repeat it." He smiled broadly, turning to walk away only for Lauren to pull him back by his shirt sleeve.

"But there is no harm in saying it again. Why don't you refresh my memory?" Lauren giggled, not being able to keep up the pretence much longer, Caspian about to open his mouth to reply but being interrupted by the chirpy mouse that was jumping up and down excited in front of them.

"Come all. We must venture forth into the unknown. The blue star calls us to our destiny and we ought to pay it a visit." Reep enthused, practically pushing everyone into the long boat. None of them thought he had the strength to do such a thing. It's always the ones you least expect.

Caspian helped the girls get into the boat whilst Edmund helped load the little provisions they did have. When it got to Laurens turn to be placed on board Caspian decided it was time to finish what he had started.

"Now where were we?" he pretended to think deeply, lifting Lauren into the boat whilst the others were distracted making sure the weight balanced out.

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