Chapter 20 - What Was Given

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After hearing Reeps words the group slowly came to shore, silently getting out of the boat when they reached the thin stretch of sand, like a no man's land separating Narnia and Aslans country.

Lauren's mind had been working overtime for the last few hours, her mind split in two about the huge decision she would have to make at some point in the near future.

Getting out of that boat and seeing the climbing wave in front of her, a wave that was so tall it towered as high up as she could see without pulling a muscle in her neck she momentarily was distracted, her head now filled with wonderment at the magical sight in front of her. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, even in Narnia. It was at moments like this, witnessing things like this that Lauren realised she didn't know anything really about Narnia, only what she had been told. She had so much to see, to learn. Did she really want to give all of that up?

The tight knit group did not say a word as they congregated in a line gazing at the sight before them, Caspian and Lauren the only ones who communicated and this communication only being a squeeze of the hand at small intervals.

"Aslan." Eustace said suddenly, the rest of the group quickly spinning in the direction Eustace now faced, all shocked by his sudden and quiet appearance.

Lauren had heard so much of Aslan, so many stories of his heroism, the times he had saved so many from such hopeless situations. She always imagined the most majestic of creatures, the type of lion you would see in the wild leading his entire pride. Now he was standing before her she was not disappointed, in fact he surpassed her expectations.

"Welcome children." The mighty lion began as he made his way to a stop in front of the group, all excited to see their mentor.

"Lauren it is a pleasure to meet you. It seems you have had quite the positive effect on many Narnians." He added, introducing himself for the first time.

"Some more than others." Edmund giggled, gazing over quickly to Caspian who still held on to Lauren tight.

"I apologise for my cousin Aslan and it is my honour to meet you. I have heard a lot you since I have been here." Lauren smiled, wanting to sound polite and courteous though nervous at the same time. She could see why they all thought so highly of this warm being in front of them.

"You have all done well, very well indeed." Aslan said with pride, looking up at his protégés who he cared for so deeply after nodding with a smile to Laurens last comment.

"You have come far and now you're journey is at its end." Lauren knew that was coming but hearing it from Aslans own lips and so soon after their meeting made the young girl feel like the air was being knocked out of her.

Caspian gazed over at Lauren having the exact same feelings as she seemed to be experiencing at that moment. No matter what happened after this he would lose some of the people he loved, Lucy, Ed and Eustace at the least. Just the thought of them going was painful enough without even bringing Lauren into the equation. His mind couldn't deal with that thought, it couldn't process it.

"Is this your country?" Lucy asked, looking up and down the narrow beach and wondering if this was indeed his place of origin.

"No, my country lies beyond." Aslan answered truthfully, facing towards the tall waves and making it clear that his birth place was what lay on the other side.

This was the moment Caspian had been dreaming about since he was a young boy. He would often think about sailing to the end of the world, getting to Aslans country and finding his father. Now he was close and there was only thing, one person holding him back from running right through the fluid wall. Lauren.

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