Chapter 13 - Missing them

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"Eustace we need to find Ed and Caspian. They will be worried sick. Let's find them and I shall explain everything, ok?" Lauren asked her cousin. She was still getting around to the fact that somehow, someway he had become a dragon.

With one nod of the head and a loud grunt Eustace changed directions, lowering his height slightly so that he and Lauren could see what was below them better.

After only 10 minutes of searching Lauren spotted them, running across a mountain top and shouting her name over and over.

"CASPIAN!" She shouted when they got close enough, hoping to get his attention so he would see she was unharmed.

When he turned and saw her still in the dragons clutches he felt two things, relief that she seemed ok and anger wanting to kill the creature that now held her defensively above the rocks.

"LAUREN!" He and Edmund both screamed back when they could see her looking directly at them. For some reason or another that neither of them could fathom she did not look scared, in fact she looked quite happy. Did she bump her head or something?

Before Lauren could say another word Eustace changed his direction and they got further and further away from the boys that were still calling for her frantically.

"What are you doing Eustace? They were right there. Didn't you see them?" Lauren asked confused, turning her head to look into the familiar eyes of her cousin.

Eustace gestured his head in front of them, not able in his current state to give a proper answer. When Lauren looked in the direction he had gestured to she knew exactly what was happening. He was getting ready to land.

Rather unsteadily Eustace approached the same beach they first arrived on. If only he had stayed with the group then none of this would have happened he thought, finally touching down and Lauren rolling out of his grip and on to the ground as he did so.

Once Lauren was on solid ground and she finally felt safe again all she wanted to do was make sure everyone knew she was ok. She knew how she would be feeling were it any of them that had just been abducted by a giant beast and she didn't want anyone of them to go through that longer than they had to.

"It's going to be ok Eustace, I promise. We'll find a way out of this." She smiled, stroking the length of Eustace's long nose as he lay down beside her. He looked so sad, so miserable and she didn't know to do. The first point of call was to tell everyone though. She would have to get that out of the way first.

"Edmund, Caspian can you hear me?" Lauren shouted as loud as she could, hoping to make the men aware of where she was.

For 20 minutes she tried and with still no success.

"Cousin do you think you could help me out here? My voice is getting very tired. Can you roar or something? Whatever it is dragons do." She asked, not really knowing the right term for the noise a dragon made.

Eustace went one better after her request though. Not only did he roar, but he breathed a massive fire ball up into the air. They were sure to see that, there would be no missing it.

Just a short time later Lauren started hearing muffled noises in the distance, both separate sounds getting closer and closer by the moment.

"Lauren?" Edmund yelled from the other side of the mountain.

"Lauren?" Caspian cried, praying to Aslan himself that she was still safe.

Edmund and Caspian had seen the plume of fire not 10 minutes prior to the moment they were in and just the sight of it although a clue as to where the dragon settled also set them both on edge. What if it had done something to Lauren? What if that was the reason it had landed?

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