Chapter 1 - Meet the Family

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"What do you mean gone? They can't be gone." Lauren cried into her Uncle's shoulder as she was informed that both her parents had been killed in an auto mobile accident earlier that day. Lauren's mother was a housewife doing all she could to look after her family and Lauren's father who would have been fighting in the war were it not for his partial deafness was a builder. Unfortunately there hadn't been much need for house decoration and home improvements in London during World War 2.

"I was with them this morning, everything was fine. We were meant to be going to the country on a break next week. They wouldn't leave me. They can't." She continued. Her Uncle beginning to fidget from what he found to be an awkward situation.

Lauren's parents had never got on well with her Aunt and Uncle. Where her parents were loving, friendly and kind souls Harold and Alberta were the complete opposite, judgemental, strict and seemingly uncaring.

The dispute between the two couples had been going on long before Lauren was even born. Something to do with her grandfathers inheritance going to the wrong child. Every single penny Lauren's grandfather Bert had earned and slaved for in his whole life went all to her Aunt Alberta and her brother. Lauren's father didn't see any of it. Why, do you ask? Not because Bert favoured Alberta over his son Arthur but because he failed to write a will. Instead of the estate being split between the siblings like it should have been it all went to Alberta. Not just because she was the first born but also because at the time of Bert's death Lauren's father was the more financially stable of the two and Alberta apparently was in more need of it. Arthur and Mary, Lauren's mother never forgave Alberta and Harold and even when they were struggling to feed and clothe themselves they refused to go to their richer counterparts for a hand out. Their pride was passed on to their only child and it was when all these memories and information settled in Lauren's head that she pulled away from her Uncle and went on the attack.

"I bet you don't even care do you? My mother and father are dead and you and Aunt Alberta will just be happy that you don't have to deal with them anymore." Lauren seethed backing into a corner as the tears clouded her eyes.

"Come on Lauren don't be like that we are devastated. We may not have got along but we would never have wanted this to happen." Harold defended.

"Where's Auntie then? Probably sitting in the kitchen yet to take her eyes off of her latest cookbook. Her brother has died for Christ's sake and she can't even be bothered to come around here and see me."

"Don't you dare take the lords name in vain young lady. Look you have no idea what your Aunt is going through. She is beside herself with grief. Her only brother is dead." Lauren's Uncle bellowed back.

"Yes well my parents are dead. I have nobody now, no one. What am I supposed to do? I can't run this household on my own. I have no job, no money." The young girl hyperventilated as the weight of the situation facing her finally dawned.

"Lauren sweetie. Your Aunt and I want to make amends for the way it ended with your parents. You will come and live with us and your cousin Eustace until you can sort yourself out. You remember Eustace?" Uncle Harold forcefully smiled.

"Of course I remember Eustace. How could I forget him?" The melancholy, 21 year old blonde girl remembered with sarcasm.

For the rest of the day people Lauren barely knew or didn't know at all were coming in and out of her house, telling her how sorry they were and that if she needed anything all she had to do was ask. To Lauren there was nothing that could be done to make her feel any better.

Lauren walked around the old house she had lived in her whole life reliving memories of happiness and care free times all the while dragging her feet in some grief stricken haze. All she had to do now was pack up her belongings and make the move to Alberta and Harold's Islington town house.

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