Chapter 7 - Ship and Wind

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"Thanks Reep. Thank god you came." Lauren smiled down at the mouse who just freed her from her irons. The fight was still under way but for the first time the Narnians were getting the upper hand.

"Well I couldn't let anything happen to Eustace now could I?" The mouse joked as they ran back into the fray.

All around the sound of battle could be heard. Blades meeting one another, people shouting in every direction and even the sounds of whimpering slave owners who were now being overthrown.

"Caspian?" Lauren called, running over to the King who she saw was nearby.

"What is it?" He asked, mid swing.

"We could take more of them on if we stick together." Lauren mused, an agreeing Caspian responding with a nod of the head.

The pair joined forces, Caspian approaching from the front to keep the target distracted and Lauren approaching from the back when they least expected it. Their plan seemed to work, they had taken half of the opposing side, just the two of them.

"We make a good team." Caspian grinned whilst manoeuvring Lauren behind him, one of the few opponents left setting his sights on her.

For the next 30 minutes Lauren and Caspian stayed at each other's sides, Lauren watching his back and him watching hers. Before long the slave owners that could still stand surrendered knowing they didn't have a chance at beating the new arrivals. It was time to gather themselves, go back to the Dawn Treader and embark on the next step of their journey. Lauren for one couldn't wait to get into a nice warm bed, a complete opposite to the place she had slept the night before.

"Where's Eustace?" Lucy thought as the fighting began to die down.

"He was right there a minute ago. I saw him run around the corner." Edmund remarked, running to the same corner that Eustace had disappeared behind.

"He's down by the boats, I can see him." Ed shouted, exasperated when he saw that Eustace was attempting to put the ores in place to escape on his own, leaving them behind.

Down at the boats Eustace was doing whatever he could to get away from the dreaded island.

"Oh, you're a boat in a magical land and you can't row yourself?" Eustace shouted at the boat, almost as if he expected it to reply. He had no idea how to row it himself.

The small boy attempted to put the ores in place not having much success and that made him unaware of one of the slave traders that was fast approaching him, dagger tight in hand.

The first Edmund knew of the man's presence was when he swung the ore around and hit the man straight across the face, resulting in him falling unconscious into the water at the side of him.

"Oh god." Eustace screeched, dropping the ore into the boats base.

"I hope that wasn't the British consol." He finished before jumping out of the boat and running back to find his cousins.

What he found when he reached the city for the second time was the sound of rapturous applause and cheering directed at the Narnians that had just spared the city folk of being the next treat for the green mist.

As the group made their way back towards the long boats a long line of the cities people marked their path, clapping and smiling as they went.

"I feel so good." Lauren said to Lucy as Caspian and Edmund walked up ahead.

"See all the irons and being sold was worth it in the end." She smiled back, waving at the crowd as she did so.

"They look so happy, so relieved." Lauren observed once more as she stepped up the pace to walk alongside Caspian and Edmund.

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