Chapter 12 - I am Eustace

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Eustace, now wandering the island alone did not care that his family might be looking for him, might be worried. To be honest none of them even noticed he was gone.

The hot sun was pounding down on his skin, the rocks he was walking across were unsteady under his feet and he felt generally miserable. Not much different to usual then.

"Yes follow the imaginary blue star to the land of Ramandoodoo." He moaned to himself, kicking the stones at his feet as he did so.

"Place seven steak knives at the table of a talking lion. Ninnies!" Eustace finished, moping because his own family thought him to be useless and would much rather place their trust in the ramblings of an old codger like Coriakin than trust him with the simplest of tasks.

Continuing to walk forward, still kicking at the rocks below and lifting dust in the air Eustace suddenly came to a stop. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something glinting, like a long river made up of gold and rubies.

"What is that?" he said, completely at a loss at what he was seeing. A sea of gold? Surely not?

Taking a step forward to better adjust his sight, the sun blinding him as it moved across the horizon, he suddenly slipped, the earth giving way under his feet until he fell into the 'sea' of gold.

What he discovered when he came to a stop however was indeed a sea but not of the known kind. It was a sea of jewels, buckets, weaponry, armour and everything else that you could possibly imagine. Every single piece of it made out of solid gold.

"I must be dead." He grinned wider than he ever had before, taking in the scene around him and not believing what he was seeing.

Taking only one short moment further to look over his accidental discovery Eustace then set off on obtaining his treasure. He picked up anything he could get his hands on. The shinier, the better was his only criteria.

He couldn't pick it up faster if he tried; his arms were totally full even after only a minute at work.

"Finally a favourable turn of events." He breathed in a sigh of relief.

Just as Eustace took a moments breather, trying to work out in his head how he could pick up more things he saw the most dazzling piece of golden jewellery he had ever laid eyes on. This was unlike anything someone would wear on earth.

The bangle, hanging from the wrist of some unfortunate soul who had obviously perished a long time ago was almost beckoning him forward, begging him to take it in hand.

Eustace couldn't resist the gleam of it so immediately dropping everything he had just retrieved he walked over to where the bangle was placed, ripping it from the hand of the skeleton that sat symbolically on the dusty ground. Whilst putting the item on his own wrist Eustace didn't even begin to fathom that whatever had happened to that person could just as easily happen to him.

"You're definitely dead." He said to the skeleton after taking the one possession that remained still attached to its body.

Then without a moments more thought Eustace went back to his original work, picking up as much as he could and not letting it go.

It was then as he was head deep in golden boxes and trinkets that he heard it, the loud sound of a dragons roar. When he heard it, it scared the life out of him. He turned on the spot looking for the source of the noise but finding none. This place must have been getting to him he thought, going back to his treasure seeking once the noise had ceased. Eustace failing to notice even with all his eagle eyed 'hunting' that a familiar mist was starting to make an appearance, getting closer and closer by the second.

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