Chapter 2 - The Painting in the Bedroom

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3 months.

That's how long it's been since Lauren's parents died, and it's also roughly the same amount time since her cousins Edmund and Lucy moved in to her Aunt and Uncle's London town house with her.

The funeral which shortly followed their arrival was emotional to say the least. There were lots of tears, lots of comforting and lots of raised eyebrows, especially from Harold who seemed to want the whole thing over and done with.

Lauren's Aunt Helen and and Uncle John who were currently in America didn't receive the letter informing them of the deaths until only a day before the funeral, and the letter that returned from them 2 weeks later confirmed what Lauren knew already. They were devastated.

It's now early August 1942 and it's only been a week since Lauren woke up not thinking about losing her parents. She knew this was all due to her amazing cousins who have supported her so much and in so many different ways.

In the weeks after the family said goodbye to Arthur and Mary Pevensie, Lucy and Edmund took it upon themselves to cheer Lauren up as best they could. They started by offering words of comfort and support which didn't even make a dent in Lauren's sad exterior.

After 2 months of trying and failing miserably Lucy let something slip and that was what led to Lauren finally looking happy again. What had slipped out? It was a story. Not your average run of the mill happily ever after story but one about a young fawn and a lamp post in the snow. It was a story of Narnia.

To Lauren these stories and tales of adventure, war, friendships, hardships and joy were just tales to help keep her mind off of the tragedy that had occurred not so long ago in her young life. She had no idea that what her cousins were telling were things that had actually happened, things that were waiting to continue, things that were waiting to evolve.

"Oh and Ed, do you remember that time when Reep lost his tail and Aslan gave him a new one?" Lucy giggled sitting on Eustace's bed in the room which Edmund currently resided in.

"Ha-ha! Yes I remember. He wouldn't let anyone touch it after that." Edmund laughed clutching his hand to his stomach whilst sitting at the window.

Edmund had just told Lauren the story of their fight against an evil tyrant called Miraz. An individual so unlikeable that even his own people turned against him.

"Thanks guys for making up all these tales for me. You think I would have grown out of this stuff by now but they really have cheered me up." Lauren giggled looking over at her creasing male cousin.

"What?" Lucy said in surprise. "Lauren these aren't tales. All of this has happened, it is true."

"Luc, it's ok you can tell me the truth. I'm a big girl." Lauren smiled, getting up and walking over to the door.

"We are telling the truth Lauren. We thought you knew that." Ed asked confused himself.

"Come on Ed. Stop messing me with me. You can't seriously think I would believe that you and Pete are Kings and Lucy and Susan are Queens. I may have lost it a bit in the last few months, but I haven't completely lost my marbles." Lauren put forward, hoping her cousins would finally admit the truth.

Before the Pevensie siblings could say another word the door flung open and Edmund's room mate came bounding in, an invisible thundercloud overhead.

"What is going on?" The little, sandy haired boy squealed at full voice.

"Ed and Lucy are telling me some stories. You should listen Eustace, they are very entertaining."

"Let me guess, they are about that Narnia place." Eustace scowled.

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