The Plan

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"We have to do it," I whisper to the group of victors crowded around me. I really hope the camera's can't pick up my whispers. They all nod excepting the plan. "You all have to have in your mind what you want to say. You better put on a damn good show," I said to them.

"Like you and lover boy?" Johanna sasses. Everyone stares at her while I silently am shooting daggers at her face with my eyes. Honestly if I could see my face. I'm so pissed of it's not even funny. She's fucking lucky that she's not in the arena right now or I swear I would have killed her right there and then.

I have to look away, close my eyes, and take multiple deep breathes. Someone slaps her and many scold her. It is really challenging to be a kind person all the time. I don't know how people do it.

"First tribute," a voice comes out of a speaker signaling the first person to walk onto individual evaluation. We all sit in the assigned seats waiting our turn. I am last just like last year. "Are you okay?" Peeta asks as he sits down beside me. I still glaring at her. "Sure." He grabs my hand and squeezes it hard reassuring me. I try to smile but my lips can't form the shape.

I don't even have a good skill to show them. I can't do anything, how am I supposed to do good. I just don't know what to do. Slowly each person is gone and I'm left alone wondering what to do. The doors open and I step inside. I get one look at the game makers and something just snaps in my brain.

I step on a mat and look down. There is something on the ground they are covering because it was not there this morning. I look around and grab a bunch of paint. I know I'm not talented in art but that's not what I'm going for. I start to write the song I sang to Rue on the wall with thick red paint the starts to stream down the wall looking like bloody letters.

Then I grab a test dummy and hang it from the ceiling with, 'Seneca Crane' written on the front in the same red. I then turn around and walk out that door without even looking at the game makers. I don't even know what I just did and I start feeling regret but it's over now and I can't fix it. I guess they'll have fun re-doing that wall.


"You did WHAT?!" Haymitch screams at me. "Are you trying to get killed?" He starts a rant about how I should be more careful and all that shit.

"Look in sorry but I can't undo it-"

"Damn straight you can't! You know I thought it was funny last year, but now. It's a much larger deal Sweetheart and you can't keep doing this to yourself." I nod. I don't know why I did it but I was mad. I guess hormones make you do stupid things.

"You can't be mad at her. I painted Rue on the floor," Peeta says. Well now we know what the mats for. "Why are teenagers so stupid?" he whispers while face palming himself. "Hush! The scores are starting!" Effie announces.

Most people get 9s, and 10s by the time it rolls around to Peeta. "Peeta Mellark...score of..."

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