The Scores

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We are all sitting on big red velvet couches around a large TV. Peeta's face illuminates the screen as Caesar Flickerman continues. "Peeta Mellark...score of...11!" Hoots and hollers are exchanged as well as congratulations. "I guess two dumb kids in love are very intriguing to the game makers," Haymitch laughs. Next my face is being shown.

I take a deep breath as the purple haired man shares my fate. "Katniss Everdeen...score of...12!" We all smile from ear to ear as well as we loose our sanity. All is suddenly interrupted, "We have another score for District 12." My eyes are instantly trained on the screen as the whole world spins around me. "The score is addressed to a Mellark?"

I can see Caesar's confusion as well as everyone else's until it all makes sense. Every piece of the puzzle fits together. We've been so careful to not give clues so they couldn't put two and two together but they've figured it out. They are telling all of Panem I'm pregnant by giving my baby a score. Our unborn child. "Score of 12..."

We all fall silent so much that you could hear a penny drop in this room. I feel the edges of my eyes getting glossy and heavy as I try to tame all my fury. They've known all along. This was no accidental Quarter Quell. This is up straight and personal. President Snow wants to kill me, Peeta, and the baby. Without us there would be an end to the rebellion.

I know what I have to do. I have to keep fighting. I close my eyes and take the longest-deepest breath I've ever taken and open my eyes hoping to see I've been dreaming but this is all to real.
"It's another big, big, big, big day!" Effie announces practically banging on my door. Today is the day before the games. The interviews. Quite possibly my last full day on this earth. That's what I thought last year at this time but look at what's happened!

Maybe if I don't get up I won't have to face the world. I won't have to anticipate my death. Suddenly I feel cold although I turn to see Peeta getting dressed. I pull the covers up to my chin and close my eyes. It's to late. I can't fall asleep now the bed is to empty for my liking and I drag myself off.

"Did Sleeping Beauty finally waken?" Peeta asks in smart ass way. I roll my eyes and pick up the clothes the red-headed Avox girl I've became familiar with has laid out. The image of her in the woods that day creeps into my mind but I push it away as Peeta whisks me out the door to breakfast. He has way to much energy for the morning.

Everything from eggs( produced from Distict 10) to oat cereals (produced from District 11) is set out on a buffet-like table so people can serve themselves. I grab everything that can fit on my plate. I sit and Haymitch starts to laugh. "Sweetheart, you know you can get seconds, right?" I ignore his comment although do a crack a smile before digging into the dishes in front of me.

Once everyone has finished and small talk has been made Haymitch stands, "Well we should probably get started on getting you two prepared for your interviews." I roll my eyes. Many hours of sitting/standing of people playing with my hair and adjusting fabric to hang just right on my body sounds like complete and utter fun. Note the sarcasm. I groan and follow my prep team~who has come to fetch me~to my preparation chambers.

The small walk to the elevator and than the ride downstairs has become unbearably long since my ankles have swollen to the size of a dinner roll from all the added baby weight. The long corridors of velvet walls and lush carpeting are hard to walk through but eventually we make it to the large room where I shall be made over for my debut tonight.

I give Cinna a kiss on the cheek as in greeting when I walk through the door. He rubs his hands together and smiles as the gold flecks in his eyes (brought out by the eyeliner) twinkle, "Let's get this party started."

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