The Trapped Mockingjay

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Where am I? I look around. Though I have some memory back this place was not in them and did not trigger any to come back. It must be new. The walls are gray, close together, and the ground hard, like cement.

I stand and start to walk but am sent flying backwards. What the hell? I look to the opening in which I went but fail to see anything. It was clear. Then a slight buzzing sound is heard and I walk closer, but carefully not to the same spot.

The clear opening is vibrating, sorta. I squint and see a faint glossy look, moving slightly. Forcefield, like the end of the arena.

Footsteps are heard from far away and a very wickedly familiar, cold, dead voice speaks.

"Uhh... you are finally awake," speaks this person. I turn my head to see a man dressed in a suit with hair white, almost too white, like pretty much white as snow.

"Oh, you don't remember me old friend, do you?" he asks pouting his lip to mock me. He is too familiar but I can't grasp it. Who is this sick man?

"You have some other friends here with you. Johanna, Enobaria, and even little Annie," he adds to the situation. Yes, I know all them even Annie, Finnick's love. Suddenly it hits me who the man is.

President Snow.

"Get away from me!" I yell at him.

"That wouldn't be any fun now would it?" I gulp hard. Where am I? I am clearly not home or in the Training Center.

"Plus, the fun is just about to get started..." he whispers as he starts to leave. Poison is floating from his voice as if he's a snake.

"Where am I?" I press. He turns around and smiles the most sinister smile I've ever seen, full of evil.

"Why, the Capitol of course!" And with that he is gone. He did not say Peeta was here, or my baby, or Finnick, or Beetee. So, where are they?

Tears start escaping my eyes and a huge lump forms in my throat. They are dead. They have to be. And it's all my fault.

Why was I so overdramatic? Why did my life have to suck? Every time something good would start it was ripped away from my grasp like a kid with a new toy he was not supposed to have. But, didn't I deserve to be happy? What had I done to deserve torture?

I realize I'm practically in a jail cell. If I'm here, where are the other former tributes? Are they in similar positions as I am now? All alone by themselves with no link to anything or anyone around them, especially the ones they love.

Soon my question had been answered. Peacekeepers walk in dragging someone behind them. The electronic forcefield disables for a second as they throw someone into the cell with me before it closes again.

I can not tell who it is, for they are face down looking, or sleeping, towards the ground. I hear their rattling breathe as they get a little strength and push themselves of off the ground. A very fragile looking Johanna reveals herself.

She looks almost infuriated and heart broken when she looks at me. "They got you," is all she says. We have an eerie silent moment together.

"I was hoping that you would be the one they wouldn't get," she whispers, "We were all trying to save you, get you back to thirteen-"

I stop her right there, "Thirteen?"

"District thirteen," she clears up to my look of confusion.

"All along we had known this was all a plan to kill you and all of us victors knew we had to save you. You are the voice of the people and they need you now more than ever. Our world is falling apart.

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