The Sacrifice

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After our life changing experience of Peeta almost dying for like the hundredth time we started to walk throughout the woods. We've been walking along the border and it's almost as if the edges are curved. There is no straight part of the borders of the arena. Sort of like a circle. Wait! A circle!

"Are you okay?" I hear Finnick speak up. I look over my shoulder at him and raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You're crying." I pull my hand up to my face and feel the hot, burny skin underneath a damp layer of tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. "It's just, uhh, hormones I guess." I mean I'm crying for no reason. It must be because I'm pregnant. Having a baby makes your body really weird and your feelings all out of whack.

"This looks like a good place to stop," Peeta says. We all silently agree after walking half the day and decide to set up a small 'base' type of thing. Actually, the guys do. Mags and I pretty much sit and watch because of our incapabilities. Especially since I'm seven and a half months pregnant.

I look around in order of the dryness inside my mouth and perspiration on my skin. No luck. All I can see is leaves, sticks, and and more leaves. Big leaves, small leaves. Pretty much any type of leaves. Jesus Christ! I'm so bored I'm differing between leaves. What has my life come to? I'm on the verge of either dying or giving birth and I'm looking at leaves.

Take this as a lesson. Don't get pregnant when President Snow is ruling Panem. You are welcome. I feel Peeta's strong hands massaging my back. I turn to face him and peck him on the cheek. "It'll all be okay. I promise," he whispers in my ear causing chills down my spine. I really hope he means it but this is a promise that is almost impossible to keep.
"I'll take first watch," Finnick says as it is on the verge of nightfall. I don't object to his offer and immediately unpack sleeping bags from our two backpacks Finnick and I had got at the Cornucopia. We have two. One for Peeta and I. One for Mags. Finnick has refused to use a sleeping bag. Almost as if he is afraid of it or something.

Since it will probably increasingly drop in temperature because we are in a rainforest climate close to desert, Peeta and I huddle close together. I feel his breath on my lips and a tingling feeling. Damn, I want him. Being pregnant really messes with me.

I take in his sent. Burnt bread barely lingers on his skin. Home is starting to fade from him. I am wrapped inside his arms and smile knowing he is mine. I don't think I've ever appreciates him this much. Now that the end of one, or both of us, is nearing.

I hear his screams. Finnick's. "RUN!" he's yelling. He grabs Mags before I can even stand. They  are gone and Peeta is trying to pull me with him. We are both slowed down though, by his leg and mine being pregnant. "Peeta," I say gasping.

He turns but doesn't stop and I'm being completely pulled by him. "Come on-"

"Peeta!" I yell out in pain. "It's happening."

His face turns to white and I can't move. I try to breathe but the pain in my back is spreading like a wildfire. "No, no, no. It's not, your just stressed is all." He says but I can hear the pain in his voice.

"Peeta, the baby's coming now!" I say gritting my teeth. "Finnick!" He calls out. Finnick turns but doesn't know what to do. He runs to us and takes in what's happening. I feel myself going limp and arms around me holding my body up.

"Holy shit!" barely escaped my lips and my eyes fill with tears. "Hold on," Finnick says and in some way, probably the adrenaline rush, he picks me up. We go fast. Everything is a blur around me and I don't know what the hell is going on. Green is blurred through the gloss. "Mags," I hear him say and turn.

I make out her small body walking into the fog we are trying to escape so rapidly. "NO!" he calls out to her. It's to late and a cannon sounds. Knowing he must go on, he turns and runs dragging Peeta behind him. We all knew she wasn't going to make it.

We stop at a beach as the sun starts to rise and grey bubbles on our skin. I'm in to much pain to notice. Finnick is looking back into the trees and dry heaving. Mags meant so much to him. I'm taken back by more pain and can't focus on the situation.

"Oh shit," from Peeta and, "Damn it," from Finnick take me out of my pain for a second as I see people running toward us with weapons against the yellow light of the sun.

We are not alone. And we will certainly not have a peaceful sunrise.

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