The End

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They are all sitting in a circle and whispering. They haven't let me in really any of the conversations since I woke up. Although, half the time when they do include me I don't know half the shit they are talking about. Like what the hell is a career or a district?

"Tonight will be the last night!" I hear someone say. Then a reply, "How are we going to get the coil to the tree and water in time?" By now I'm really wondering what they are talking about.

"Once they are gone we will all stick together until they call the games off..." After a few more minutes they call me over. Johanna, as I've learned her name, and I will be partners in getting the wire around the arena. Then we are to meet back at the tree at midnight.

I still don't understand what or why the are doing but I also found out it's better not to ask questions. "Let's go," Johanna says harshly. I follow her listening to my orders. Once we are out of sight of the other she grabs my arm fast.


"Shhh..." She says covering my mouth with her hand. "I need to know one thing from you," she says mysteriously. I nod nervously waiting for her to ask. "Do you know who any of us are, especially Peeta?" I shake my head. I can not lie to anyone it would be pointless. "You don't even know who that little girl is?" She asks her voice shaky.

"No," I whisper. Should I? Why is it so important that I remember her?

She starts to walk again and I follow like a lost puppy behind.  We continue in silence. Her questions have left and awkward feeling in the air and I'm uncomfortable. She is unraveling the coil when she turns around fast. Johanna pulls out a knife.

All of a sudden my heart starts racing  and I try to run but my feet won't move as I'm in shock. The girl quickly grabs my arm and makes a large gash in it. I'm struggling and trying to pull away but nothing is working. Pain bolts through my arm.

Next she raises her arm and smacks me over the head. A sound almost of a broken TV surges and rings in my ears as I begin to fall and the edges of my vision turn black. I hear a faint cannon and see the face of someone I don't recognize above me. They leave quickly.

After a few moments of shock I get up not able to see very clearly. Had she just tried to kill me. I look at my arm and it's flowing with blood. A wound about as round as an apple and long as a foot is gushing red.

I stand and stumble around a little feeling almost drunken. I blink quickly trying to get a focus. Fuzzy images still appear but no one around is able to be seen. I start back the coil to the tree. I must tell the others I could not finish my 'assignment'.

It is past dark before I make it back to the tree. No one is around and I pick up the bow and arrow sitting on the ground that I had left earlier. The sky is starting to rumble and the Lightning they had talked about is sure to strike soon. They wanted to electrocute the arena. Maybe I can do that.

I look down at the arrows in my hands and then the coil. What do it do?

"Katniss?!" I hear and turn around the voice repeating over and over. Finnick is revealed although he doesn't see me. I slowly pull up my bow and load it aiming it right at him. They were all in this together. They all wanted to kill me.

He looks around more. What have I done to deserve this? Why am I wanted dead? If I only I knew what had happened before I woke up on the beach earlier. But I don't, and can not do one thing to fix it.

"Katniss..." he says finding me. His gaze is locked on the arrow. Eyes filled with fear for what I am holding in my hands.

"Katniss, don't do this..." he starts holding his hand out as in a way to show I should not fear him, but truth be told, I do.

"Remember-remember who the real enemy is."

That sinks in. Who is the real enemy? I lower my arrows. He steadily walks forward a little still far from me, beyond the taller plants. My head starts to have a sharp pain when I think like this. Why can't I just remember? Who? Real enemy? Why am I even here? Where is here?

Suddenly the sky immediately darkens and I hear more deep grumbles that seem to have formed right above me. Small streaks of light flash quickly.

"Katniss...get away from that tree!" Finnick says with urgency in his voice. This is it. I pull up the arrows denying his requests. I hear him start to run forward.

A extremely bright flashing light with many little lines coming away from the sides consumes the sky and I pull my arm back, shrieking as I let the arrow fly. The sky seems to bubble and my vision is completely crowded with the bright light.

My body is airborne in fractions of a second and I land flat on my back after spinning around in the sky. The impact knocks the wind out of me and breathing doesn't seem possible. Everything is black.

A loud noise awakens me from my slumber. Large pieces of the "sky" start falling around me but don't dare come close enough to touch. The ground shakes around me but I am quite incapable of moving, almost as if I am paralyzed. I feel blood seeping from various parts of my neck, face, and limbs.

A large hovercraft comes through the whole and a claw drops down to me. I watch it come slowly down, and listen to the quiet buzzing it makes. Buzz. Buzz! BUZZ!

My thoughts are suddenly crowded as my eyes shut and images flashes behind my closed lids.

Dirty children, crowded streets, animals, woods, dandelions, Gale, Prim, reaping, The Games, everyone, Peeta, the baby.

PEETA! I scream inside my head. Many things are back. Oh my god! My baby! My eyes burst open and tears start to stream. I remember.

A faint whisper escapes my lips, one word, "Peeta..."

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