The Dream

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"Kattniiisss..." I hear. Cooing as if I'm a child again. I'm reminded of the day's my father would wake me up really early and sneak me into the woods with him.

"Katniss..." There it is again. My heavy eyelids start to flick open, steadily at first. The blackness of my vision starts to gain light as it pulls in toward the center like a whirlpool.


Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Soft lips. My Peeta.

A feeling washed over me taking me away from the love I felt in my heart and replacing it with anger.


In one fluid motion I'm off of the table, into the air, and running. I don't know where I'm going, but away.

I'm scared. That's all I know. Why? That's beyond me. Peeta. I don't know why I'm afraid or what I'm doing. I can't control my body right now.

Everything is kicked into overdrive. I'm zooming up the stairs and out into the open. My feet bare, my body is next to naked in a gown, a hospital gown.

Where I'm going is completely a mystery to me but all I know is I'm gong and I'm going fast.

Trees, bushes, ponds, squirrels, rabbits, deer, and all kinds of things swoop past me in a blur of greens and browns.

My foot hooks onto a root sticking up and in sent barreling towards the ground.


It all happened so fast. One moment I'm laying on a table waking up to Peeta and the next I'm crying, shaking, and alone on the forest floor.

I hear branches moving.


My senses are stronger than usual. All I wanted was to see Peeta. Now I'm gone and afraid of him.

My heart is pumping faster than ever before and my eyes are searching, longing to see something. I just am not sure what I want to see.

Everything falls silent. The birds stop chirping. Branches stop shaking. The wind stops blowing. I'm alone and the only sound is my quickened breathe.

This is wrong.

This isn't real.

Jesus, Christ. Wake up, Katniss! Wake up!

Everything starts coming into my head.

Peeta. Knife. Blood. Screaming.

Wake up!

Gasping. Running. Crying.

Come on!

A gun. My head. Shot.


I sit straight up and turn over my shoulder. My left hand reaches for my chest as my breathe hitches but is pulled back down my restraints. Tears stream down my face.

He tried to kill me. Peeta. He's, he's a monster.

"Did you have a nice sleep, Katniss" the devil speaks.

"What did you do to me?!" I cry pulling my body off of the chair. My arms and legs are forced into it enabling me from being free.

"Why," Snow speaks up, "I showed you reality."

"NO!" I scream. "NO!"

"Peeta loves me, he would never try to hurt me-"

"Oh the contrary Ms. Everdeen- or shall I say Mrs. Mellark- he would. So he has."

"I refuse to believe it!"

"You can't deny the truth."

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