Chapter Four ~

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I scram, a shock collar wrapped around my neck, with Jordyn punching the buttons, Drake was there, smiling and laughing evilly. I got up and ran, tripping over my feet. Drake picked me up by the pits of my arms. I kicked and struggled to get away, Jordyn smiled and clicked the highest one, ten, pain ran threw me, Drake dropped me, I landed hard on my butt, screaming. She keep punching the number, faster, faster, faster. There was a ripple threw me, pain, worse pain erupted throughout my body.

My skin tearing I saw hair peeking out from the splits in my skin, I scram, my back shooting up and arms extending, pain numbing my body to all other feelings. My fingernails falling off, only for claws to grow painfully into their place my screams were cut off by a gurgling sound, bubbling off into silence, my mouth forming a mute scream. I swallowed hard, the change finishing and I let out a howl.

Jordyn fell back in fear, along with Drake. I stood over them growling. The shock collar ripped off already by the force of the change. My mouth sunk into Jordyn's arm as I threw her across the forest floor. I howled again and took off running, it felt so good to be running like this, suddenly realization hit me.

I’m a werewolf

I bolted upright in bed, for the second time this week, I had a nightmare. Hot sticky sweat dripped down my face. My dreams have often came true. This one had to be a fake. Right? I mean a werewolf? Thats just crazy. I bit my lip and turned towards Cassie. Then I looked towards the photo of my parents, the night replaying in my mind, my dad, the wolf, the forest. All of them seemed to be connected. and now this dream.

It was official. I was studying up on werewolves in the morning. But right now I needed sleep. and thats just what I got.

A dreamless sleep.


I woke up to find Jordyn sneaking into my room.

“Aw shit.” She swore I sat up and glared, my hand wrapping around a shoe next to my bed.

“What were you going to do bitch?” I asked glaring. No one wakes me up.

“I was gonna give...” she started

“Fuck you.” I answered throwing the shoe at her, her jaw cracking as the shoe made contact, with an abnormal amount of force. “Get out of my fucking room.” I hissed, she ran out like a dog with its tail between its legs, I sighed and walked slowly to the bathroom to get ready. this time I was going to surprise Drake. I was going to go to his room and well, I guess I’ll see when I get there.

I just walked in, never needing to knock, now I know I shouldn't have, Drake was on the bed, leaning over top of Jordyn. His shirt off and pants half down. Jordyn's top open and Drakes hand down her unbuttoned shorty shorts.

I. Freaked. Out.

“What the HELL?!” I asked, gasping at them. Drake slowly pulled apart from Jordyn, His tongue retreating back into his hell hole.

“Why the fuck did you just walk in? Bitch!” He shouted, sliding off of Jordyn pulling up his jeans. “Jordyn leave. I have to talk to Alex alone.” He hissed, Jordyn nodded brushing passed me, re dressing herself, the door swinging shut.

He pressed me against the wall, body pressed against mine. I froze.

“She was just to pass time. Babe.” Drake whispered in my ear, his tongue grazing it. I shuttered, this didn't feel right.

“Liar.” I whispered, numb.

“Never.” He mumbled flipping me over onto the bed, I winced as he leaned over me. “I want you babe. And only you.” He began kissing my neck, his hands roaming to my core, he tried to unbutton my pants, only then did I realize what was happening.

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