Chapter Ten

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i was floating threw darkness nothing mattered... then i remembered Dylan. a howl escaped my lips, i didnt care about Dylan, it seemed. i tasted something in my mouth, it tasted like copper with a salty tang to it. all i could think about now was.


nothing else mattered. Death is all i cared about. there was a rip threw my body, and then there was pain, not changing pain but longing, and sadness.

suddenly a smell hit my nose, the smell metal lingered in the air, metal and death. then the longing of death soon disappeared, and a whimper escaped my lips. then... i looked down.

there was blood every were, there were limbs, there was pieces of skin every were, and in the middle of the mess was, Dylan. my eyes widened, my other friends were there too but i couldn't look at anything else but Dylan, i had killed him. my mate! just to quench the blood thirst. and thats when i realized that i was no longer human, that i was a werewolf covered in blood.

me feet scuffed the ground as i walked towards Dylan.

then, everything disappeared,

i gasped, finding myself awake in my dorm. it was pitch black, yet i could see everything, smell everything, cold sweat dripped down my face i threw off the covers and ran to the bathroom. all the colors seemed to look slightly bleached, i was dizzy. i splashed cold water on my face.

then the door swung open,

"Alex... are you ok?" Dylan asked walking in. a growl eruped from behind my lips, Dylan slowly walked over to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, "Honey... its ok..." he said slowly. before i could stop myself my wolf instincts took over, i turned my head and chomped down on his hand, blood filled my mouth and ran down my chin, my teeth sunk into his hand deeper, then i realized what i was doing.

this time a whimper escaped my lips. i drew back my clenched teeth and fell to the floor. my knees banged the tiled ground with a painful thump but i didnt care, then tears started streaming down my face,

"i-i-i im just..." i mumbled, he fell to the ground,

"you had a vision... right?" he asked. i looked up at his shocking eyes, then the vision came flooding back,

Dylan and my love ones, laying in a pile, i saw pools of blood, i saw flesh and arms, but my eyes wouldnt rip away from Dylans deformed face, deformed body, he was missing arms and his stomach was riped to shreds, i looked into his no longer blue eyes, they were grey and glassy.

oh. my. god

then the vision was gone, and again i was stirring into Dylans bight eyes, waiting for an answer. i couldnt talk because the salty blood was stuck in my mouth, so i simply nodded.

"i thought so... dont worry its just a visions... it means nothing... sweetie look at me," he said, i looked up again. "just dont do what your instinct tell you... other wise... it may happen..." he said, i swallowed hard all his blood when racing into my stomach, i instantly had a stomachache

then i fell into his arms, crying.

"no Dylan! i- i dont wanna kill you! or anyone!" i sobbed, his eyes grew wide,

"k-kill people... oh no..."

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