Chapter Nineteen

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The memory came flashing back to me,




Keep echoing in my head,



I smiled evilly, Jake stared at me in fear, he was tied to a rock and had bruised up his arms.

"Hello There..." the wolf spoke, the words forming in my mouth.

"W-who are you!" he asked shocked.

"Me? I'm The Wolf..." the wolf laughed, behind me a fire rawred to life, a metal poll suck out of it, i smiled and grasped it. he stared at me in fear, i licked my lips and plunged the poll thew his stomach, steam rolled of the poll, he scram in pain, tears rolled down his cheeks.

"aww... the poor kids crying." i mumbled creepily i yanked the poll out of his stomach, blood spilled every were, i pulled the poll up to my mouth and licked the blood, the blood of my victim. he was frozen with fear and pain. i smiled and lifted his chin up he looked at me, his eyes were glazed over, showing a sign of death.

"Oh poor Jake..." i leaned in to his ear. "Your about to die... how about i put you out of your misery?" the wolf laughed and i tasted salty blood in my mouth. he whimpered sightly, scared of his future, the future that was coming to him. i laughed and felt my face beginning to change, sharp teeth grew, my eyes turned to the wolf. now, the wolf was out. there was no going back now.

"are you READY TO DIE!" the wolf started with a soft whisper and yelled DIE. the wolf bit down, its teeth sunk into Jake's shoulder, Jake let out a cry, the wolf smiled and riped its teeth threw his shoulder, he cried out with the last of his breath.

"Goodnight..." the wolf mumbled, my face changed back.. i placed my hands on his head and cracked his neck. the sickening sound rang in my ears. "Forever..." i finished for the wolf.

~~~~~~~~END OF MEMORY~~~~~~~~~

i crashed to the ground, the memory coming back to me, the first death was bad, but not as bad as that one. i held me head, tears coming to my eyes, i shut my eyes tight trying to rid the memory of that night from my mind, colors flashed behind my eyelids Dylan fell to his knees.

"Alex! Alex are you ok!" he cryed holding me tight. i opened my eyes and whimpered,

"I remember. "

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