Chapter Eighteen

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 Dylan led me to an old house, the old house was just a little farther from the city. it strangly looked familiar.... i shook my head, loosing my train of thought.

"well... were home honey..." Dylan dropped our stuff my an old dusty bed, i smiled. this was a lot better then being stuck as a slave to my wolf instincts. i sighed and plopped down on the dusty bed, dust flew every were, it traveled up into my nose and mouth, i coughed, the dust Bunny's tickled all the way down. Dylan laughed. "Hun... your not supost to flop down on an old dusty bed, this place hasn't been cleaned in YEARS." he replied smiling sweetly and helped me up.

"i know Dylan but... well i don't really know, it just looked fun at the time i guess, now... not so much..." i trailed off looking around the room, there was dust every were, it caked the floor, lamps, TV, everything. Dylan smiled, catching me looking disgusted at the wreckage.

" well Hun... looks like you got your work cut out for you..." he smiled nervously.

"well... i guess so..." i sighed deeply and rolled up my sleeves, "best be getting to work shouldn't i?" i joked instead of asked, i elbowed him playfully in the ribs. smiling the whole time.

"ok... um... there are some cleaning utility's in the back of my car..."

"You have a car!!!!" i cut him off. he chuckled softly,

"yea i do... i got it when you ran off and fell to you wolf instincts... for the moths you were with the devil i bot enough money to buy my dream car..." he smiled. my mouth fell open,

"MONTHS!?!?!?!? it had me in its mind for MONTHS!?!?!?!" i asked shocked, did i kill any other people in that time, people i didn't remember?

"yea you did kill more then one person... you killed a total of ten..." he trailed off, nervously pulling at his shirt. i grabbed my chest, breathing heavily,

"no... no no no...." i looked at Dylan and saw his face, hard lines creased his forehead.

"oh god... did you know any of them?!" i asked terrified of the answer,

"i uh... i did... but that dosnt matter at the moment, come on lets get cleaning." he tried to end the conversation.

"who" i spoke barley above a whisper.

"what?" he asked confused.

"who... who was it?" i asked again, a little louder this time.

"Jake..." he said

"Jake?" i questioned,

"my best friend." he replied, his voice flat.

Imperfect (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora