Kidnapped ~ Chapter 1

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"Nora, don't do this babe! We will hunt you down!" My mother slurred out from the top of the porch stairs. I was already down the block, ignoring her. She was drunk, nothing unusual. I stuck my middle finger in the air at her, hoping she could somehow see it.

As I shivered, I pulled my coat tighter as I walked through the cold wind. I decided to get out of that house.

Although, running away while it was freezing out probably was not the smartest thing to do, especially when I did not have my own car. The last time I had checked, the temperature had been 21 degrees Fahrenheit. Really warm, right?

The reason I for my running away was because, my parents were horrible, disgusting people. They were some of the worst people I had ever known. They were drunken waste of spaces. They were only with each other to get drunk and do drugs, not to raise a child.

I was the result of a drunken accident. They liked to remind me on a daily basis of how much they wished I was never born and how much they hated me. It gets really sickening after a while. 

Little did my parents know, was that I had saved around 3,500 dollars up for when I finally got the guts to actually leave. The money was enough to check into a motel for a little while and to purchase a bit of food. I knew it would not last very long, so I planned on getting a job and moving on with my life.

I thought about you what I would do with my new life as I walked through my town to get to a motel. The night was late, the town was dark. Most people were sound asleep.

Squealing tires ripped me out of my thoughts. I tried to ignore the stupid idiot that chose to race down roads at night. Eventually, they would get a ticket for speeding, or street racing, whatever they were doing.

As the car neared closer to me, I walked a bit faster. I could easily jump into an alleyway if I walked fast enough to reach one. I hoped it was not parents coming to get me, like my mother had promised.

Soon, the car was right beside me, slowing down to ride by me in speed. I began to run, trying to escape. I heard a car door slam shut. They were out of the car, on foot. I took a few more steps before I felt large hands wrap around my torso, trying to drag me to the car.

Before I could scream, a hand covered my mouth. I thrashed around, kicking and elbowing. I caught a glance of the car, it was a white van. I resisted against the person holding me as hard as I could, before he eventually threw me into the van, literally.

I turned around toward the door just as fast as I got into the van. A large man pushed me backwards from outside the door. I fell into a seat as he slammed the door shut.

I desperately tried to roll down a window, except the Windows did not roll down. Then I tried a fighting method. I wrapped my hands around the driver's throat from behind him, trying to choke him.

All that caused was a little swerve and me being pushed again. These men were extremely strong. I sat back, breathing heavily, my heart was racing.

I looked at the man beside me before attacking him. I dug my fingers into his eyes, or at least tried, he was trying to slap and push my hands away.

He missed my hands and slapped my face, harshly. I fell back in pain as he put his hands over his eyes.

"You need to sit down and chill out!" The guy in the passenger seat commanded.

I stopped and look up, my eyes were wide with terror. He was terrifying. As I looked around, I realized they all were terrifying. I had no chance against them, but I had to try.

"Let me go, please! I won't tell the cops on you, and you guys will be free to go. Please!?" I begged, exasperated. I was desperate to get out.

"Shut up. We are taking you to our alph- friend,"  the driver said in a dull tone.

I began to get angry. I thought if I annoyed them, that they would want to let me go, so I screamed as loud as I could. I screamed so loud, I thought it would as least break their eardrums, but that was not that case.

The man beside me quickly cut off my screaming trying to put a cloth over my nose and mouth, but I fought him. We wrestled around, me getting in a quite a few hits. His hand kept trying to swoop down just to come over my nose and mouth.

He accidentally ended up punching my eye, and not lightly either. I instantly fell limp, trying to hold my face. I groaned in pain.

"Good job, stupid!" I yelled at him. My face was going to be bruised.

While I was caught off guard, he shoved the cloth over my face, the cold fabric making me pass out instantly.

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