News ~ Chapter 53

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I was completely confused. Any questions were running through my head. Who was this guy? Why is he acting nonchalantly about the word mate? And most importantly, is he a werewolf?

I was lost for words, and did not know why to say. I was not sure how to approach the situation. Some things I said could lead to the secret of werewolves if he did not already know.

I was pretty much just staring at him with my eyes wide and my mouth open. I'm almost one hundred percent sure I looked like a nutjob.

"Well?" He asked. He had his eyebrows arched and was looking at me curiously.

I gulped. It felt like there was something in my throat. It was hardly my place to even say anything about werewolves.

"Um, maybe. What if I was?" I questioned. I hoped that my approach was subtle enough.

He laughed and pointed at the menu. "What do you want?" He asked.

I quickly diverted my attention to the sign, taking much time looking over all the food. Although, I already well knew what I wanted, this hot guy was making me nervous. I needed a distraction.

"Strawberry lemonade tea," I answered him after a few moments.

He nodded an understanding. "Go sit down," he said.

I gladly obliged. Quickly walking away from him, I let my curly hair fall around my head as I made my way back to my seat. I sat in the cold wooden chair and put my face in my hands.This could all be a grave mistake.

In fact, if Jordan found out about my encounter with this man, he would probably kill him. Then he would scold me thoroughly. I was not looking forward to that. I decided get the heck out of there.

I grabbed my bag and started to stand up.

"Where you going?"I heard from behind me.

I shut my eyes hard. Such impeccable timing. I turned around with a smile on my face.

"I was just going to sit somewhere else," I lied. Surprisingly, I thought I sounded convincing.

"No you aren't. Sit," he said. He placed my tea down in front of me and pulled out a chair for himself.

He had gotten a hotdog and a soft drink. I was not sure what the drink was exactly, but the hotdog had chili and ketchup on it. It looked delectable.

"So, tell me about this mate," he said humorously. He looked up at me while taking a bite out of his hot dog.

"Do you believe in werewolves?" I asked, wincing at how blunt it sounded. I was nervous for his answer. To my shock, he started laughing.

"Awe, you are too cute. For your information, sweetie, I am one," he smirked.

I felt relieved. I did not have to be so cautious about anything anymore.

"Well, I am clearly human. But I have a mate, and his name is Jordan," I told him. I began to explain how everything went down from the very beginning.

He listened intently. It was nice to have someone pay some attention to me.

By the time I was a done he was laughing again.

"What's so funny?" I asked. I did not remember saying anything funny.

"It is just." He grabbed my hands and put them in his. I gasped. "Does it feel like this, when you touch him?" He asked.

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