Breaking the news ~ Chapter 39

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Opening my eyes to the morning sun, I realized that I felt well rested for once. It felt great to not feel stressed out as soon as I woke up.

The aroma of breakfast soon flooded my nostrils. I smiled. This was the best way to wake up.

I pulled the soft covers off of my warm body and stretched my arms up. I looked down to see I desperately needed some clothes.

I sprinted to Jordan's room and grabbed a pair of black leggings and a long sweater from the suitcase.

I quickly changed and fixed myself before heading downstairs.

"What's with the breakfast?" I asked Jordan. He was at the stove cooking eggs.

"It is an apology and also a thank you," he told me, glancing my way.

Without saying anything, I sat at the table.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me while scooping stuff onto plates.

"Yes, thank you. Did you?"

"I sure did," he smiled, sitting down across from me and giving me a warm plate of food.

"Thanks," I said, digging into it.

I looked up to see Jordan staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I inquired.

He laughed. "Nope. Just admiring your beauty."

Ugh. I wasn't in the mood for him to try and be so nice to me that I forgave him for last night. It just was not going to happen.

I just nodded and continued eating the warm, scrumptious food. "This is good," I pointed at the food.

"Gracias," he said.

After we were done eating, Jordan washed up the dishes while I was deciding how I should tell him something I had been considering for a while, something serious.

"Jordan, we need to talk," I sighed, walking to the couch.

I sat down and Jordan followed in pursuit.

"What is it?" He asked, concerned.

I didn't know how to break the news to him, so I just did it bluntly.

"I cannot do this," I stated.

He looked at me confused.

"Do what?"


"What are you saying exactly?" He questioned with his whole demeanor changing. He seed to be catching onto what I was saying.

I did not know exactly what I was even saying. But I knew one thing: he was a werewolf, so I had to break up with him like all werewolves do, through rejection.

"I Nora Rose Anderson reject you Jordan Michael Roberts," I spoke. Simultaneously, I felt my heart was shatter. I held my hand up to my chest. The look on Jordan's face made me think he was feeling it, too.

He looked completely shocked, hurt, and terrified. It was a mix of emotions.

"I can't do all the fighting and the abuse in our relationship. I just can't," I said with my voice a bit shaky.

"If this is about last night I'm-" I interrupted.

"Stop, just stop," I breathed. "I ran away from my messed up life carrying money that I had saved up. I need it now."

"Please, at least wait a day or two. Let me buy you a car and an apartment," he pleaded.

"No. I can do it myself. We are both unhappy. Go live your life with someone who will make you happier," I said standing up.

"Your money is at the house. We will have to go get it," he said.


I walked upstairs to grab my suitcase and phone. I grasped the cold handle of the suitcase, not ready to descend back down to Jordan.

I felt shaky. Not ready for a new lifestyle, but it was something that had to be done.

I walked slowly down the wooden stairs and met Jordan at the door.

"Ready?" He asked.

I just shrugged.

He sighed and walked out the door. There was a black car sitting under the trees. I had no idea about its existence there, but oh well.

We got in the car and Jordan navigated his way through the forest until we hit the road.

We had been driving a while before Jordan spoke up.

"You know, you are not going to be able to live a normal life without thinking about me. We at mates and you can't run away from that fact," he said, tightly gripping the leather steering wheel.

"I am not running away because we are mates or anything. This has nothing to do with that! I can't live a normal lifestyle with you or without you. But I already tried be happy with you and it didn't work out," I explained.

"If that's how you feel then have a nice life. I will leave your money on the the downstairs kitchen counter," he got out of the car and walked into the house. I had not even realized we were home.

I sat in the car for a few moments before finally getting out. The crisp air gave me the chills, almost like a foreshadowing event. I shook the feeling off and walked inside the house.

I dropped my suitcase and shoes at the door since I had to come back and get them anyways.

I rounded the corner and almost ran right into someone. Christopher.

"Chris!" I ran and hugged him.

"I missed you so much, Nora," he said while embracing the hug also.

We hugged for a minute longer before I broke the news to him.

"I'm leaving," I talked into his shoulder.

He pushed me back a bit.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"I rejected Jordan, and so I'm going to grab my money, then leaving."

"You can't just do this. You just can't. This is so unfair. We are such good friends. You are leaving your mate, me, and everyone else!" he yelled at me.

I walked past him and into the kitchen. I grabbed the envelope on the counter and turned around to face him.

"I am sorry," I whispered. I walked past him and kissed him on the cheek.

I put my converse back on, grabbed my suitcase, and walked out the door, determined to catch a taxi to my new life.

Ah! So sorry for not updating for a century! Thank you if you are still reading, though! If you read my author's note, I want you to comment what you think of the book, but also comment suggestions that would make it better. Thanks so much! Don't forget to vote and follow, also!

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