My saviour ~ Chapter 16

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After seeing a few red spots, my whole vision was red and blurry. I could hardly see.

Then I couldn't breath. That's when I started going crazy.

"Unstrap me now!!!" I screamed. My "parents" started backing up.

They whispered to each and ran, leaving me with the two vampires. The one who had put the chloroform over my mouth ran with my so called "parents."

The other vampire ran over to me and started unstrapping my arms.

"I am a friend of Christopher's. I'm going to help you but you have to trust me. My name is Michael Gates. You just turned into a werewolf protector, but you only protect your mate's pack. Your anger is going to be the death of you. You have to learn to control it. You are so angry right now you are suffocating. Calm down!" he said after he unstrapped my arms.

I tried to take deep breaths to calm down. It started to help and I could breath better.

"Better?" Michael asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, we need to get out of here before they come back. I will explain everything later. Follow me," he said, then he started to run.

He led us through a secret wall then out a door. Then he led us to a car. And it turns out, that cell was beneath my old house... who would've thought...

Once we were in the car, Michael started explaining.

"Okay so, I was hired by your parents to kidnap you. Of course I knew who you were and that you were Christopher's friend, so he wanted me to keep you safe. Anyways, I knew your real parents. They didn't just give you up, they were forced to. They were going to be killed if they didn't give you up to the people you were raised by. And that was because when you were born, your eyes were red. That was a sign that the main supernatural world leaders took as you being a vampire. "

"But I'm not," I said.

"Exactly. But they do not know that to this day still. Being a werewolf protector is very rare. Being one means you can detect when enemies are approaching the pack. You do pretty much everything to keep the pack safe," he explained while driving.

"I get it, but why me?" I inquired.

"Well, like one said it is extremely rare to be a werewolf protector. So somewhere in your family line, someone had to have been one. Anyways, you need to learn to control your anger. When you get angry, your body is not going to like that since anger causes fights, and fights are unsafe. When your anger your body will do anything to stop you from being angry, even if it means killing you," he said grimly.

"Okay, I think I have heard enough."

"Well, fortunately, that was all you had to hear. Now, you can take a nap because we will not reach the pack house for a few hours," Michael said.

"Okay, and thank you. For saving me, I mean."

"Don't thank me, thank Christopher."

I just nodded as if saying okay.

Then, I soon went to sleep with the slight hum of the radio.

When I woke up, it was because someone was getting me out of the car. I looked up and saw that it was Jordan.

"Jordan, I'm sorry I shouldn't-"

"Shhh, you shouldn't be sorry it is my fault," he said while carrying me into the pack house.

"Jordan, I am a werewolf protector."

He stopped walking and looked down at me.

"What?" he whispered, as if not hearing me right.

"I am a werewolf protector," I repeated.

"Nora, you cannot tell anyone that, except for me and Michael, who already know. Do you understand?" he asked.

I nodded although I was confused.

"Jordan, I can walk. Please put me down," I begged

"I am not putting you down until we are in our room," he declared.

I huffed.

When we got in our room, he did what he said he would. He put me down.

Afterwards, I got into the shower. I was still wearing the dress from the dinner. But it was pretty dirty.

After my shower, I brushed my hair and teeth, changed into pajamas, and then crawled into bed with Jordan.

"Goodnight Jordan," I said while snuggling into him.

"Goodnight Nora, " he said and kissed my forehead.


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