You say what now? ~ Chapter 24

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"Chris?" I asked.

"Yea?" he answered.

"Why are you carrying crutches?"

"Oh, these are for you," he said while walking towards me and leaned the crutches on the counter.

"Jordan thought you should have them for when u need to walk around," he said.

I nodded.

"Do you want something to eat?" he asked.

My stomach grumbled at the thought of food.

"Yes, please."

"What do you want?"

"For some odd reason, I'm craving McDonald's," I said.

Chris laughed.

"Okay well what do u want from there?" he asked.

" A chicken sandwich and fries with an iced tea, please." I said giving him a cute smile.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Okay come on," he said while waiting for me to get off the counter and grab the crutches.

"Where we going?" I questioned.

"McDonald's, where else?"

My jaw dropped.

"You are letting me come with you!?" I yelled.

"Shhhh! Yes I am. I have to babysi- um help you so you can just come with me," he said, walking at my pace.

I stopped and turned to him.

"Wait, what were you about to say?" I asked angrily.

"What are you talking about?" he asked while avoiding eye contact.

"Jordan made you babysit me didn't he?"

"Why would he do that?" he asked while playing with his car keys.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me he didn't," I said getting infuriated.

"Nora can we please just go get in the car."

"Whatever, but afterwards, you are taking me to him."

He nodded. "Come one," he said.

He led me out to the parking garage.

There were so many cars I couldn't believe it.

"Which one is yours?"

"The red mustang over there," he said pointing to it.

"Here you might need these," he said pulling out sunglasses and handing them to me.

"What for?" I asked, confused.

"When you have a concussion, the sunlight hurts very badly."

I nodded and put them on.

I got in his car and oh my gosh. It was glorious. It had beautiful leather seats, a roof that comes down, and it had a great stereo system.

When we were on the highway, I asked, "Can you put the roof down ?"

He shook his head.

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's about to rain."

I laughed.

"Its pure sunshine, not a cloud to be seen!"

"Okay we will see who is right in a few minutes."

Let's just say, he was right.

At McDonald's, he ordered just about everything on the whole menu.

"Holy fudge, you hungry Chris?" I asked shocked.

"Well, I am a werewolf," he said while handing the lady his credit card.

She just shook her head and giggled.

While she was giving him his card back, Chris winked. No joke.

I snorted.

"What?" he asked.

"Great flirting skills."

"Shut up," he said rolling his eyes.

We had to pull up to the side of McDonald's and wait for about a half an hour.

"Well this is fun," I said tapping my fingers on the windowsill.

"Here it comes," he said.

It was the girl he winked at, rolling a cart of food to the car.

He popped the trunk and got out to help her.

Once we were on the road again I happened to glance at his arm.

"Did she write her number on your arm!?" I laughed hysterically.

"Maybe she's my mate and you're making fun of her!" he said getting mad.

"She's not your mate is she?" I inquired.

"No," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

I knew it.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

He pulled into the garage and we sat there for a few minutes.

"I have to tell you something," Chris said, turning to me.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't take you to Jordan right now," he said looking guilty.

"Why not?"

"He is at a two week get together with all the pack alphas to talk about business," he said.

"You say what now?" I asked, my blood boiling.


I want to thank everyone who added this book to their reading list, everyone who votes for it, everyone who comments, and also everyone who follows me. There are so many of you so thanks so much! Thanks everyone for reading it and continue to vote, comment, follow, and add to your reading list if you want to. :)

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