Surprise ~ Chapter 32

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We ended up eating at a little restaurant. The food was bomb. It was probably one of the best restaurants I had ever tasted.

"You want anything else?" Jordan asked with his eyebrows raised at me.

I had just finished off a big, no huge plate of food and a triple chocolate brownie sundae.

I blushed. "Nope, I'm full now."

"You should be," he laughed.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I am."

"Anyone want anything else, or do you need your checks?" our waiter came and asked us, specifically talking to me.

"Yes, she needs the check. She'll be paying," Jordan said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, shocked. I didn't expect for him to make me pay. I didn't even bring money.

Jordan smiled. "What, you didn't think I was paying did you?"

The waiter looked back and forth at us nervously.

"Can you bring the check out, please," I told him. He nodded and walked off. I didn't want him to witness a fight between Jordan and me, if we were going to have one.

"I'm not paying Jordan, it's rude to make me pay. I am the girl," I said, crossing my arms and leaning back.

"I was just kidding. Of course I'll pay," he laughed.

"Why would you do that in front of the waiter!?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Because I wanted to see your panic face. It's actually pretty hot," he said.

I laughed. "You're ridiculous."

He made me panic for fun. I will surely get him back.

When the waiter came back, I made Jordan tell him he was just kidding. The waiter just scratched his head, and laughed awkwardly.

We left him a nice tip and apologized one last time.

"Now what do you want to do?" Jordan asked.

I thought for a moment.

"Hmmm... surprise me?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I can do that," he smiled.

Grabbing my hand he began to walk quickly. I kept stumbling because he was walking so fast.

"Slow down!" I said, tripping again.

"Not even going fast," he mumbled.

"Yeah you are," I whispered.

He sighed and stopped. Squatting down he put my on his back, like giving me a piggyback ride.

It scared me for a moment since I didn't know what he was doing.

"A warning would have been nice," I squealed.

"I'm done giving warnings," he said darkly. I shivered.

I didn't know what that meant, but I didn't wish to find out.

Here we were, walking through the streets, passing many people, with me on Jordan's back. Nice.

Soon, we were walking into a deserted part of town. I just laid my head down on Jordan's back and let him guide us.

"Nora?" I heard. I opened my eyes.

I looked up and saw Jordan. He was cradling me in his lap, sitting on the ground. I saw trees above our heads.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We are almost there, and I want you to see the beautiful scenery," he said softly.

"Okay," I said while Jordan pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

We stood up and I let him lead the way. We walked for a while through woods. But they were the pretty kind of woods.

"Okay, I want you to close your eyes, and don't peek," Jordan told me.

I closed my eyes without question, and once again, let Jordan lead me. He touched my shoulders lightly and guided me into a certain direction.

Leaves and twigs crunched beneath my feet. I could feel a bit of sunlight on my eyelids, as it was shining through the trees more.

"Stop," I heard and stopped.

"Open," he whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes to see a huge lodge, den kind of thing.

"What's this?" I asked, confused.

"A place we'll be staying for a week or so," Jordan smiled.

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow if you like the book! (Sorry it's short, I'm on vacation.)

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