Chapter 2

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He was surprised that he had gotten any sleep that night as he woke up to his obnoxious blaring alarm. He groggily got up off his bed and nearly tripped over some of the clothes and pictures that were still splayed on the floor from the night before. As he walked out of the bedroom, still in the clothes from the day before, his mother called from downstairs that breakfast would be ready in five minutes.

Sebastian groaned and hurried his pace to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth, doing his best not to look in the mirror. He knew that that was not a good way to start the day with falling into a depressive state over the marks that were carved into his arms and upper torso. He exited the bathroom in only a towel and searched around his messy and disorganized room to find a pair of suitable clothes for the nippy weather of September. He eventually found a pair of dark wash jeans that fit him very comfortably and allowed for some breathing room for his penis to not be squished in the confines of the material. Sebastian rummaged around until he found a dark blue long sleeved shirt. He pulled that over his head as he walked out of his bedroom and descended the stairs to the kitchen, where his parents were already seated at the table.

Sebastian sat at the table taking the seat beside his father so that he was across from his mother. For a short time they ate in silence before his mother piped up, after setting her plate to the side.

"Relax Sebastian, I'm sure that everything will go just fine your first day," Sebastian's mother told him as she patted his hand that was resting next to his plate of barely touched food. His mother was right about Sebastian being nervous. He felt like he could barely eat anything because of how tightly his stomach was wound up in knots. This was the first time that Sebastian had done anything that was really outside the box or new. He smiled sheepishly at his mother, before returning his eyes to the still partially full plate of food. Sebastian managed to swallow a couple more mouthfuls of food before he was sure that if he ate anymore the nerves would make him throw up.

Sebastian got up from the table and put his dishes away in the dishwasher before he returned to the table to kiss him mother and father good bye. They both seemed hesitant to let him leave on his own after what had happened several months ago, it still felt like only yesterday to all of them. But they all knew that it had to be done, his parents knew that they couldn't baby him about it because it made Sebastian feel insecure so they just let him go.

On the way to the bus stop Sebastian was on high alert to every sound and every person that passed him by. He was determined not to let a repeat of what had happened in the beginning of the summer holidays ever happen to him again. As Sebastian waited at the bus stop he kept hopping from foot to foot, full of nervous energy. He jumped a little when the bus came around the corner of the street, but quickly relaxed once he had seen what it was. He chided himself for being so jumpy about a school bus. The bus ride to the school was fairly uneventful, as Sebastian sat alone at the very front of the bus no one paying him any notice even though he was not in the least bit small, 6'2" to be exact. He had managed to recover most of his muscular physique after having lost too much weight during that summer incident. Sebastian winced and cringed inwardly just thinking about it.

When Sebastian got off of the bus, he was surprised to see how similar this high school looked compared to his old one even when comparing the types of people that he saw wandering around on the front lawn. The same cliques could be picked out with ease, and that was the one part that grossed him out. Sebastian didn't want to be a part of a clique again. He had seen how badly it had screwed him up when he had looked back at his previous high school years. Sebastian began walking towards the school, looking around at the walls that were red brick instead of the grey concrete that he was used to. There was actual grass and trees out front of the school instead of just paved sidewalks and patchy grass.

Upon entering the school Sebastian was even more surprised to see the amount of school spirit that was all over the halls, including a huge trophy case and banners hanging down from the walls. He was so distracted by looking at his surroundings that he had nearly hit a couple people that were also walking down the hall. Right after Sebastian had dodged a person that was not paying attention as she was texting and walking down the hall, he slipped on a wet spot on the floor and stumbling into a guy that was surrounded by about three other girls who looked like they were all trying to get his attention. The guy was probably only about 5'6" so the force of the impact had pushed him so that he had stumbled and fell onto the ground with a heavy thud.

Before Sebastian could utter an apology and offer to help the guy up, the guy was on his feet and glaring at Sebastian. Sebastian took a step back, surprised at the sudden hostility. The guy walked up to Sebastian so that he was in his personal space which made Sebastian very uncomfortable almost to the point of starting to hyperventilate, but he managed to keep his breathing under control and looked at a spot just above the other guys head so that he wouldn't have to look him in the eyes.

"Watch where you're going, dipshit!" the guy yelled at Sebastian before he turned around and stormed off, with the girls trailing close behind him.

Sebastian ducked into the nearest male bathroom before proceeding to dry heave and pant into the sink. With his elbows on the counter Sebastian dragged his hands through his hair. The guy yelling at him had brought back the memories of the guy from the summer incident. How he had always yelled at him while holding him by his hair, which is why Sebastian always kept his hair cut really short since then. He kept his eyes closed as he tried to get his breathing under control, he tried to remember that the guy was in jail and that he couldn't hurt him out where he was.

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