Chapter 55

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The next morning Sebastian woke up with Danny wrapped up in his arms and curled up against his chest, snoring softly as one hand gripped Sebastian's t-shirt. How had things become like this? Sebastian couldn't really remember all that much after he had given Danny his blade, the rest of the night had been hazy with nothing really sticking out. Danny groaned and snuggled his head against Sebastian's chest before sighing with his lips quirking up a bit at the corner in a small smile. Sebastian couldn't help but wonder how Danny was dealing with everything that he had thrown at him last night. He remembered Danny throwing up after all was said and done, but after that Danny had seemed so collected and determined that it had actually made Sebastian abnormally obedient.

However, Sebastian had to admit that Danny did look really cute when he was sleeping. He felt selfish and wanted to be the only person that Danny let stay beside him like this, even with the flaws that he had. Sebastian gently ran his fingers through Danny's hair making Danny wriggle around a bit next to him before settling back down. Sebastian leaned down and kissed Danny on the forehead, relishing in the way that the small creases on his forehead relaxed and disappeared.

A thought hit Sebastian as he was doing that and he whipped his head up to look at the door that led from his room to the hallway. Did his parents know what he was doing with Danny sleeping in his room the past couple of nights? They probably had figured it out by now, but since they hadn't figured out about his cutting Sebastian did have his doubts that his parents would've noticed too much happening in their own house. He loved them to pieces and he knew that they really cared about him, but there were times where he left so alone even when he was with them. He felt like he actually had someone he could count on and that wouldn't try and analyze what he was saying and feeling when it came to Danny.

"What no good morning kiss?" Danny commented groggily as he stretched his neck so that he was able to look Sebastian in the face, one side of his face pressed into the pillow that he was laying on. Danny didn't know why but he was feeling especially ballsy that morning, and had been dying for an actual kiss from Sebastian for a while now, and that kiss on the forehead was just too much of a tease. Sebastian froze and looked down at Danny for a moment before slowly closing the distance between their lips. Danny was stunned for a moment his sleep brain not really catching up with what was really happening to him. He had not expected Sebastian to actually want to kiss him just like that, especially after what had happened the night before.

Sebastian's hands had slipped underneath Danny's shirt as he kissed him and pressed Danny closer to his chest. Danny moaned into Sebastian's mouth as he felt his growing hard-on brush against Sebastian's. Sebastian pulled away slowly and looked down at Danny with a lazy smirk on his face. Danny opened his eyes lazily as he looked up at Sebastian, dazed.

"Morning," Sebastian commented his voice rough from sleep and his arousal. Danny felt his face flush with heat as he ducked his head into Sebastian's chest.

"That was mean," Danny murmured into Sebastian's chest as his hands gripped Sebastian's shirt tightly. He could feel Sebastian chuckle through his chest before enveloping Danny in a tight hug. 

"Forgive me?" Sebastian murmured against the top of Danny's head as he brushed his fingers from his one hand down Danny's neck. Danny shivered at the light brushes of Sebastian's fingers going down his neck.

"Yes," Danny replied blushing at the way that his voice sounded so needy and out of breath. Sebastian smiled knowingly at Danny, kissing him lightly on the nose before climbing over Danny and out of the bed. Danny groaned and tiredly sat up in Sebastian's bed, not really wanting to get ready for school.

"Come on, we are going to be late," Sebastian said as he changed out of his clothes that he had worn the night before and into something new, right in front of Danny. The first thing that went through Danny's mind as this was happening was that Sebastian was actually changing in front of him. The second thing that crossed his mind made his face scrunch up into a frown. There were so many scars all over Sebastian's body, especially on his back. Danny got rid of the look on his face when Sebastian turned around to face him, now completely clothed. "Let's go, sleepy."

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