Chapter 12

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The zip ties cut into Sebastian's wrists and his shoulders hurt from being stuck on his side on the concrete floor. He hurt everywhere if he was going to be honest but those two spots just stuck out at the moment. Sebastian felt sticky and stiff from all the blood that had dried onto his skin, making it painful for him to move around to even the slightest more comfortable position. Even if he could move he doubted that he would've had the energy to try it. Sebastian could barely open his only remaining good eye, as the other eye was too swollen to do anything with.

Sebastian was still holding on to the faint amount of hope that he would be found, or that he would somehow manage to escape, though the latter was almost impossible now. All hope quickly fled when he heard the creak of the door as it opened and closed, then the slow creak of the stairs as his tormentor descended the stairs. Panic tightened Sebastian's chest and his breathing became rapid and uneven as he struggled to push himself out of the middle of the floor and into the shadows. Sebastian froze when he saw his tormentor enter the basement. The familiar shadowy figure walked slowly towards where Sebastian was curled up on the floor, shaking while trying not to whimper.

"Look at a big guy like you, cowering in a corner like the little filthy rat that you are," the voice was starting to become more familiar and Sebastian was almost able to pinpoint where he had heard it before. After having been stuck in this unfinished basement with this guy that always stayed in the shadows for what had to have been at least a week, Sebastian's eyes had adjusted to the dark.

Sebastian was ticked off and scared at the same time, all the feeling of exhaustion was long gone as the adrenaline pumped through his body. The man's face was still shrouded in shadows but Sebastian could see the details more clearly each day. Today though the man made the mistake of not turning the lights on before coming down to blind Sebastian. The man knelt down next to Sebastian and grabbed a hold of Sebastian's hair. The man pulled Sebastian up so that he was at a painfully awkward position, forced to meet the man's eyes while only being held up by his hair. That's when Sebastian's heart stopped as he immediately recognized who the face of his tormentor was.

"M-Mr. Roberts?" Sebastian stuttered out in a hoarse voice, his eyes wide. This was his best friend's father who lived just down the street from Sebastian and his family. They used to go to church and Sunday school together, and even go out drinking at parties together. Sebastian's best friend was even his first kiss when they both had gotten drunk at a party. His friend didn't remember the kiss, but Sebastian did.

Mr. Robert's demeanor completely changed from the normal menacing demeanor to something much darker. He dropped Sebastian onto the ground, causing him to yelp. Mr. Robert's stomped over to a darker part of the room and came back with a baseball bat in hand. Before Sebastian could even get a word out the bat connected with his head.

Sebastian jerks up to a sitting position, panting heavily as he slowly remembers where he is sitting. Relief washed over him as he sees the familiar furniture and mostly empty boxes of his bedroom. He had almost finished unpacking last night but had crashed on the bed after he had come back down from his adrenaline rush after confronting Danny yesterday. Sebastian rubbed his shaking hands over his tired face, the nightmare still fresh in his mind. He happened a glance at the clock that's on his dresser and saw that it was 5 o'clock in the morning. Sebastian groaned and rolled out of the bed, he knew there was no way that he was going to be able to go back to sleep after that.

Sebastian stumbled over to the bathroom and quickly jumped into the shower to hopefully get rid of the gross feeling that was crawling all over his body. He let the hot water spray and pound down on his back, hoping to burn away the sticky feeling of the imaginary blood from the nightmare and the sweat from panicking in his sleep. Sebastian let the searing heat of the water bring him back to the present.

Sebastian and his family hadn't stayed in the town for very long after the Mr. Roberts was found guilty. The whole town had stood with Mr. Roberts during the whole court trial, all but his best friend who was no where to be found. His mother had said that he was too torn up about the court proceedings that he didn't dare want to show his face, especially not to someone like Sebastian. That had hit Sebastian really hard, and if that wasn't bad enough everywhere he went he was bullied and isolated by his ex-friends. His parents had gotten him out of that town as fast as they possibly could, which still wasn't soon enough.

The water from the shower wasn't really helping Sebastian's mood so he quickly washed and got out. He dried off and headed back out into his room to change into some clothes for the day at school. After that nightmare, though, Sebastian was in no mood to even really go and participate. But he knew that his parents would be suspicious if he had said that he wanted to stay home because he wasn't feeling well.

Sebastian's head had started to pound as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the window and the scars that were forever etched into his face. He had almost forgotten about them for a time with being at the new school and meeting the very straightforward Jenna. Sebastian smiled for a moment and started to feel a bit better as he packed up his school bag. He heard his phone ding with a text message, and confused as to who would be texting him at 6 o'clock in the morning went over to see who it was that was messaging him.

Sebastian's heart stopped when he saw that the message was from his ex girlfriend. His finger hesitated over the blocked message, unsure if he really wanted to see what vile thing that she had sent him this time. He caved and gave into his curiosity, clicking on the blocked message. Sebastian regretted it the moment he saw how long the message was and became sickened by the photo that was attached to the message. The photo was a snapshot of a Facebook post that had been posted on Sebastian's old Facebook page that he had since stopped using. The post was laying into Sebastian about being a sinner for sending an innocent man to jail for Sebastian's own sins. Below the snapshot his ex had sent a text message as well that absolutely scared Sebastian to the point where he felt like he might faint and goosebumps sprout all over his skin. The message was short and to the point, it said;

They won't let him stay locked up forever, I can protect you ;)

Sebastian practically threw his phone across the room in his panic. His hands were shaking as vaguely heard his phone plop onto his bed. He felt the dark thoughts start to weigh down on his mind again. His eyes started to wander over to his bedside table where he knew his locked box was stowed away that held one of his darkest secrets. Sebastian rubbed his hands up and down his wrists, not realizing that he was walking towards the drawer until he noticed that he was reaching towards the knob.

Sebastian pulled back so fast that he stumbled backwards and fell onto the floor, clutching his wrists against his chest. He swore under his breath as he realized what he was about to do. Sebastian jumped up off of the ground, grabbed his school bag, hesitated but then grabbed his phone and threw it into his backpack, and then booked it out to his car muttering a quick goodbye to his parents as he passed by them. He was just trying to get as far away from his secret box as he possibly could.

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