Chapter 35

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Danny was finally able to walk without too much of a visible limp, and the doctors had switched his arm cast for an arm brace a couple days ago. But every time that he would think about that time, about Sebastian carrying him to and from the hospital, he would blush like mad. Sebastian was now at the forefront of Danny's mind and never too far from Sebastian's thoughts. Now though Danny needed some time to himself, to think about something else other than Sebastian. All of the day dreaming that Danny was doing, and...other stuff...was getting in the way of his ability to think clearly about anything.

Danny had dropped Philip off at his friend's house for a play date, before heading out for a walk. The cold air ruffled Danny's hair as he walked and cut through his jacket, chilling Danny to the bone. At first Danny didn't really know where he was going, but as he started to refocus on his surroundings he realized that he was at the high school. Unsure of really what to do or where to go, Danny just kept on walking until he spotted the park that he would sometimes take Philip to during the spring and summer when neither of them had a lot of school.

Danny walked over to the swing set and sat down on one of the cold plastic swing seats. He began to gently swing back and forth on the swing as he slowly tried to put his thoughts into order. He knew that he liked Sebastian in a more than just a crush kind of way, and that was bad because he knew that he was probably going to get hurt, just like the last time. Danny didn't really want Sebastian to ever find out about his feelings, but at the same time it was becoming increasingly irritating not telling Sebastian how he was feeling. Danny groaned and pushed a bit harder off of the ground so that he was moving a bit faster, helping him to keep up with his rapidly moving train of thought. What if he did like him back though?

That thought caused Danny to stop himself from swinging and sit there for a moment. What would happen if they did like each other? Danny didn't understand how a relationship would work between two guys. Danny thought about what it would mean to hang out, to go on dates, to kiss, to have sex if it was all with another guy. Would it be the same as if it was with a woman? Danny shook his head to himself. No, he knew that there would be big differences between the two. He would have to act differently to but it what way he was not sure. He had no experience at all to compare this to besides dating woman and that, he thought, didn't bode too well for him.

What did Danny even really like about Sebastian anyway, he barely knew anything about him. Sure he was sweet, and kind, and hot, and good with his little brother, and just the thought of kissing Sebastian was making Danny twist his toes up in anticipation. But there was still so much that he just didn't really understand, and so much that Sebastian didn't need to know. Danny wasn't sure if he was really ready for anyone to see all the parts of him that he had kept hidden even from Philip. There was a lot of dark things in his life that would come to the surface if he were to get involved with anyone. Sebastian appeared to have problems of his own too, so Danny wondered if he was really prepared to be able to support and listen to the crises and anomalies that would come of being with Sebastian, if it ever came to that.

The immediate thought was that Danny would be able to, but he knew that in reality he would probably have difficulty dealing with it. Danny growled in frustration and pushed off the ground so that he swung hard and fast. He really wanted a cigarette, but the thought of Sebastian being angry or disappointed in him for not quitting kept him from reaching into his pocket for the pack that he always kept there. Even though Sebastian didn't know that Danny was quitting smoking, it did make Danny more confident in making sure that he quit.

"You know, I never thought that I would see you out here doing this ever again," Danny heard the voice come from his left and saw that Jenna was taking a seat in the swing that was next to him. She had a sheepish smile on her face as Danny turned to look at her. They hadn't really talked or been remotely around each other in nearly three years, and now twice in about the same amount of months. Danny wasn't sure what she wanted but wasn't about to let her back into his head again, so he just kept swinging and pretended like she wasn't there.

"Look I know that you're still mad at me, but I want to try to make things right," Jenna went on, not waiting for Danny to greet her or respond to her. "I know that you like guys, but more specifically I know that you like Sebastian."

Danny stumbled in his push off and nearly fell sideways off of the swing seat. He hadn't realized that he had been so obvious about his growing feelings for Sebastian. Now he was nervous as to who else knew about it, and what people would say about him, or even worse about what they would say to Philip or his parents.

"Relax, you aren't being obvious about it," Jenna told him as she started push herself off the ground to gain some momentum on the swing. "I've just being paying attention for long enough now that it's become obvious to me."

"What the hell makes you think that I have any feelings for that weirdo?!" Danny seethed as he tried to redirect Jenna away from his thoughts. Jenna laughed as she swung higher on the swing, with Danny remaining stationary beside her.

"The fact that you are angry and scared right now tells me all that I need to know," Jenna replied as she started to slow down on the swing. "You may have changed in some ways in the couple of years that we haven't really talked but some parts of you haven't changed, Danny."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Danny asked defiantly, as he glared at Jenna. Jenna sneered at the challenge and thought for a moment.

"You still are a huge softy when it comes to falling in love," Jenna replied with a bit of a giggle.

"W-what? What do you mean by that?" Danny asked feeling his face start to heat up.

"You are head over heels for Sebastian, and you only come here when you are really thinking about something that is important to you, so I know that you are really thinking about him," Jenna stated as she began to swing faster again. "Which leads me to why I came up to you in the first place."

"And why is that?" Danny questioned as he narrowed hiseyes and slowly started to swing again.

"When I said that I wanted to make amends, I really meant it, so this weekend at the New Years eve party I have set up a surprise for you," Jenna replied making Danny immediately suspicious. he waited quietly for her to continue with her explanation. "It may take some convincing but I promise you that this will be a surprise that you will thoroughly enjoy."

"I was going to be there anyway, so we'll see if that surprise is really as enjoyable as you claim it to be," Danny replied skeptically, Jenna nodded and then looked off into the distance as she swung beside Danny. There was one thing that was still bothering Danny though. "So what happened to that boyfriend of yours?"

"Oh, I dumped him, because I preferred girls," Jenna replied without hesitation, and watched Danny out of the corner of her eye for his reaction. She was surprised to see that there really wasn't one. Danny was silent, just staring forward as he swung on the swing before quickly stopping and getting up.

"I guess I'll see you at the party than," Danny called over his shoulder as he left Jenna at the swing set by herself, and went to go pick up Philip.

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