Chapter 30

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Danny and Philip quietly crept into their home, making sure to make as little noise as possible so as not to draw any unnecesary attention just in case. Danny was pretty sure that his parents weren't home but he wanted to take precautions just to be safe. Afterall he had practically ran into the house with Philip after leaving Sebastian's car, and hadn't checked to see if his parents car was in the driveway beside them. Danny and Philip took off their shoes and put them away in the hall closet, before heading towards the living room. First mistake Danny made was not looking for his parents car in the driveway when they pulled up to the house. The second mistake that Danny made was letting Philip walk into the living room first.

Philip yelped as he was dragged forward into the living room by the strong grip of a female hand. Danny's heart jumped into overdrive and he lunged towards the corner where Philip had dissapeared around. Just as Danny came around the corner and into the living room he left something hard, strong, and fast connect with his jaw, knocking him backwards and onto the floor, hitting the back of his head on the wall behind him in the process. Danny dazed from the impact tries to focus on the two figures that were standing in front of him, with someone laying on the floor rolled up in a ball, who could've only been his younger brother Philip.

"Where have you been?" Danny's father's voiced boomed as he slowly lumbered towards Danny, stepping over Philip in the process. Danny's vision had cleared and now he was staring up into the face of his very angry, very drunk father. Danny knew that he shouldn't tell the truth cause his parents wouldn't believe him, but his mouth won out over his instincts.

"We spent the night at a friend of mine's house," Danny replied as he wiped his chin, as he felt the blood drip out from the corner of his lip.

"You at a friend's house?" his mother questioned mocking before she and his father burst into laughter. They didn't believe him, he knew that they wouldn't but Sebastian was starting to put small dots of happiness back into his life again, and he wasn't about to let it be swept under the rug and smothered out.

"Yes," Danny replied looking at them directly, which he knew could very well mean the worse beating of his life was about to head his way because that was one of their rules; never look us in the eye.

That got both his mother and his father's attention very quickly. Danny's father closed the distance between himself and Danny. Before Danny could manage to dodge him, Danny's father had grabbed him around the throat and hoisted him into the air before slamming him against the wall. Danny's eyes went wide and he began to stratch at his father's arm, trying to get his father to let go as he gasped for air.

"Daddy! Daddy please let Danny go! You're hurting him!" Philip cried as he tugged the pants on his father's leg. Danny had no idea how he had managed to get away from their mother and get close enough to their father without being spotted.

"Get off of me, you filthy brat!" Danny's father yelled as he kicked Philip backwards, back towards his mother who had just finished taking off her belt. She slapped it into her hand a couple of times before rasing it into the air. Danny couldn't tell what was going on after that as his senses began to dull and his vision started to go black around the edges as tears started to stream down his cheeks. Danny felt weak, he felt like a horrible older brother who couldn't protect his younger brother from their parents.

Just as Danny felt like he was going to pass out and his breathing was getting shallower, his father let go of his neck and dropped him onto the ground from where he had held him. Danny gasped for air and coughed as he slowly pushed himself up onto his elbows. He gingerly rubbed the spot where his father had grabbed him and winced and at the throbbing pain in his neck. Just as Danny was recovering, he heard Philip's blood curdling scream.

Danny whose vision was still a bit blurry made a lunged towards Philip to try to protect him as his mother pummeled him with the belt that she had taken off a few moments earlier. But Danny's father was having none of that, and gave Danny a swift and hard kick to the gut that slammed Danny back into the wall. Danny curled in on himself, holding his stomach as he coughed, and groaned in pain. Danny's father grabbed Danny by his hair and pulled him up so that he could look him in the face, as Danny strugggled weakly to get to his screaming younger brother.

"There's no escape for you tonight," Danny's father told him as he sneered into Danny's face, before connecting his fist with the left side of Danny's face.

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