Chapter 64

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As the time for them to leave grew nearer and nearer, Sebastian kept running over the excuse that they were going to use to leave the house in his mind. It sounded reasonable to him at least. Danny and him were going to go out to a movie to try to take their mind off the anxiety that they were feeling about the missing boys. He seriously hoped that his parents would fall for it, though he did feel kind of bad for having to lie to his parents about this kind of situation. Sebastian could not risk getting the boys hurt anymore than they already were.

Sebastian watched as Danny shoved a pocket knife into the outside of his right hiking boot. Danny pulled the pant leg back down over his boot to hide the small bump that gave away that he had a knife on him. Sebastian knew that he should probably bring a weapon with him as well but he couldn't seem to bring himself to do it. He was afraid that it would be more detrimental to everyone if he were to bring another weapon out to the mill. Sebastian knew that he wasn't in the right state of mind to be able to handle any kind of weapon properly. He was a bit nervous about Danny bringing a weapon but also kind of happy that Danny would be able to protect himself if things started to go sideways.

When the time finally arrived for them to leave Sebastian decided it might be best to leave his phone at the house so as to not draw suspicion to himself anymore than he had to. He made up his bed before placing his phone on top of the freshly laid sheets. He started to head out of the room but paused when he saw that Danny wasn't following him.

"I'll be out in a second I just have to use the bathroom," Danny says as he starts to head in the direction of the bathroom that was connected to Sebastian's room. Sebastian nodded and headed out into the hallway and down the stairs.

As soon as Danny was sure that Sebastian was far enough away he pulled out the paper from his back pocket, unfolding it and laying it on the bed with Sebastian's phone holding one end of the paper down. Danny took his phone out of his pocket and stared at it for a moment before placing it on the other end of the paper so that it laid fairly flat on the bed. Then he turned and walked to the door of Sebastian's room, but hesitated at the doorway. Danny looked over his shoulder back to where all of the stuff was on the bed. Letting it hit him that they were actually going to do this.

Danny took a deep breath and stepped away from the room and went to join Sebastian down stairs. Danny found Sebastian standing in the living room and talking with his parents. Probably laying out their ruse that they were going to use in order to go and investigate the lumber mill. Danny knew that they were probably going to be walking right into the person's hands but he couldn't see a way around it.

"I suppose it would be good for you boys to get a bit of time away from all of this craziness, but try to be back by 10, alright?" Sebastian's mother said as she glanced up from her computer to look at Sebastian. "We're going to need both of you up bright and early tomorrow morning to join the search parties."

"Alright, thanks mom," Sebastian replied as he gave her a quick kiss on the side of her head, repeating the same thing with his father. Then he left the living room with Danny trailing close behind him. They both got into the car and just sat there for a moment, contemplating on whether or not they really wanted to go through with this as alone as they were.

Sebastian took a deep shakey breath in before putting the car in reverse and backing out of the driveway. Sebastian listens absently as Danny gives directions to the abandoned lumber mill, trying to psych himself up for whatever horrors they were about to see. Danny started to get quieter the closer that they got to the location.

In the back of Sebastian's mind he knew that there was a small possibility that this would not actually be Mr. Roberts, but there were so many coincidences that it was hard to think that it was anyone else. Sebastian knew that that made him sound paranoid and single minded to anyone who didn't know what he knew, or experienced what he was forced to experience. Sebastian knew personally how sick Mr. Roberts was and what he was capable of doing to people.

Sebastian pulled up on the side of the road just outside the lane way that lead up to the old lumber mill. The only thing that was left of metal fencing that probably used to surround the place were the occasional bent poles that stuck out of the ground at weird angles. The road was gravel and full of large potholes, most of which were filled with water. As Danny and Sebastian walked down the rocky lane way to the main building they looked around at their surroundings. The place looked like a ghost town with all the equipment appearing in the thick fog like dark shadows looming around them.

The closer that they got to the building the less road there was for them to walk on. Deep sections of the ground had been dug out around the road, leaving behind ankle-breaking ditches that were partially filled with water. Finally Danny and Sebastian reached the main lumber mill building. The roof was partially torn down with what looked like the scoop of the excavator resting on top of it, like it was ready to have another go at taking down that part of the roof.

Sebastian and Danny swallowed hard passing worried glances to each other, before Sebastian stepped into the door way first with Danny following close behind.

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