Chapter 48

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That first day back at the school after the winter holidays was the hardest day that Danny had to endure in a long time. So when he finally got into Sebastian's car to leave he was more than relieved to be getting away from there. Danny thought that it would be best if he didnt speak on the ride home; he was beyond irritated and didnt think that he could say much in the way of being nice. After picking up Philip they drove straight to Sebastian's house with the occasional chattering from Philip about how his day had gone.

Once they arrived at the house Sebastian and Philip were chatting away about the homework that Philip had, and Sebastian had told Philip that he could do the homework in the study if he wanted. The study was a cool little room that was lined with so many bookshelves that they couldn't even see the wall. Philip jumped up and down excitedly before taking off towards the study without even a goodbye wave to Danny. Sebastian smiled shyly in Danny's direction with a slightly mischievous look in his eyes.

Sebastian opened his mouth to say something when there was a ping coming from Sebastian's direction. Sebastian scrunched up his eyebrows and pulled his phone out of his pocket, turning it on to see who had messaged him. Danny noticed a dark shadow come across Sebastian's face, and he watched as Sebastian roughly shoved his cellphone back into the pocket of his jeans. Danny felt a spike of irritation. This had been going on all day, Sebastian had been receiving texts all day like this and it had been slowly attributing to Danny's irritation.

"Let's set up and do some homework," Sebastian muttered as he walked over into the living room and dropped his backpack onto the floor. All this built up irritation and the bad attitude that Sebastian was giving off was starting to erode Danny's confidence in his ability to keep from smoking. He needed a distraction and fast!

Danny followed Sebastian into the living room and followed suit with pulling out his homework and setting on the coffee table. Danny sat on the floor and began to go through his homework as Sebastian silently and efficiently working through each question. Danny tried his best to focus but he just couldn't put his mind to work, he needed a better distraction. Talking was out of the question, unless, maybe if they just played a game that could help to ease Danny's mind and his nerves.

"Sebastian, I can't focus on this, could we play like 20 questions or something just to help me calm back down from today?" Danny asked as tapped his pencil on the table, doing anything that he could to get rid of the nervous energy. "I'm just feeling really wound up and I can't focus on school work when I'm like this."

Sebastian glanced up from his homework with a look of concern on his face. He thought back to that very first day that he came to school after he had come out, and knew that Danny was probably under a lot of stress after coming away from something like that. Sebastian figured that it was just an innocent game after all, so what harm could it really do? He decided to humour Danny and help him to try to wind down a bit from the day's stress.

"Alright, but who starts?" Sebastian asked as he put down his pencil and closed up his workbook. Sebastian could visibly see Danny relax as he dropped his tight shoulders and sighed.

"Since I suggested it, you can start it if you want?" Danny replied as he leaned his back against the lower half of the couch that was behind him.

"Alright well, umm..." Sebastian trailed off for a moment as he leaned back against the other part of the sectional couch. "Let's start off with an easy one, what's your favourite colour?"

"Hmm, I'd have to say yellow."

"Was not expecting that," Sebastian replied with a light chuckle.

"Oh yeah? And what were you expecting?"

"I don't know, but it sure wasn't that."

"Alright smarty pants, how about you, what's your favourite colour?"

"Oh geez, umm, probably purple."

"I see what you mean about not expecting things, your turn."

Danny and Sebastian continue to ask each other the usual mundane questions until they both reach question 10, then Sebastian starts let his curiosity get the better of him. Sebastian starts to ask more nosey and private questions about Danny.

"So, what did actually happen to your brother? You never really did explain that," Sebastian asked for his 11th question. Danny hesitated and started to nervously play with his hands in his lap. Then a thought came to Danny, if was honest with Sebastian about this then maybe he could learn more about Sebastian's past and what could be still haunting him.

"My brother had gotten in with a bad crowd and he was trying his best to cut ties with them since he was going off to college," Danny started before taking a deep breath in to Steele himself so that he wouldn't back out. "He had said that they were just coming over to talk and hang out as a kind of last hurrah before he left them, but they had other plans. The saddest part is though is that I was right down the hall and I didn't hear a damn thing! My parents had thought that I had brought them into the home to kill my brother, and wouldn't listen to what anyone else had to say including the police."

Danny could feel his eyes start to sting and his vision go blurry as the memories came rushing back to him. He jumped a bit when he felt Sebastian's hand on his leg, giving him a reassuring squeeze. Danny wanted more than just his hand holding though, but he knew better than to push Sebastian. Just then Sebastian's phone pinged again. Sebastian groaned and pulled it out of his pocket to check it. He glared at the phone before chucking it to the far end of the couch behind him.

"Who has been texting you all day?" Danny asked feeling his irritation start to creep back in again. Sebastian sighed and with a resigned look told Danny that his ex-girlfriend has been texting him for the past couple weeks, and just seems to get more and more agitated as the time has gone by without a response from him.

"Seriously? By the way that question didn't count I was just getting kind of annoyed with all of the noise," Danny replied, not completely satisfied with that answer but willing to let it slide for now. Danny knew that Sebastian was hiding something but he wasn't too sure how to go about asking about it.

"What was the bad experience that caused you to stop going to parties?" Danny asked innocently, trying to not look like he had ulterior motives.

Sebastian sighed heavily before speaking, "I had gone to this one party with a guy who I had thought was my best friend and he was a long time crush of mine. Well at this party someone had slipped something into my drink and I only really have vague glimpses of what happened next. I think that my friend took me in his car to his house and I was locked up in the basement."

Sebastian's stomach revolted even talking around what had happened that night. He wasn't ready to share any more then that, but now Danny was hooked with a morbid curiosity. He wanted to know more, however, at the same time he wasn't too sure he wanted to know what had happened in that basement.

"Then a while later I was released," Sebastian skirted the truth with his vague phrasing but Danny caught on quick.

"Really? That's it? That's why you don't like to party? I don't believe you."

Danny was pissed, no, beyond pissed. He had opened up to Sebastian about something that he had never discussed with anyone about and all he got was a bullshit answer in return.

"You know what fine, don't tell me, its much more fun to find things out the hard way," and with that Danny shoved his schoolwork back into his backpack and practically ran up the stairs, not giving Sebastian the time to react or to try to stop him. Now feeling more stressed than ever Danny threw his bag into the bedroom before stomping his way down to the bathroom and having a nice cold shower.

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