Chapter 66

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Danny woke up to bright lights and the smell of medicine and sterile chemicals. He felt uncomfortable, sore, and itchy laying in what looked like a hospital bed with a white curtain dividing himself from the other patient in the room. As Danny's eyesight adjusted to the brightness of the room he could see Sebastian's parents and Philip sitting on chairs at the end of the bed. Danny was so relieved that his young brother was okay that a couple happy tears slip down his cheeks. Danny managed to sit up with one arm, after realizing that his left arm was in a sling and wrapped up around the shoulder. What had happened to Sebastian and Nick?

"Big brother!" Philip said as he ran up to Danny's bed side, quickly getting teary eyed.

"Hey there, what are you crying for?" Danny asked trying his best to smile down at his younger brother even though he had a million other worries on his mind. He had no idea what Sebastian's parents would think of their little stunt, and whether or not they would send Philip and him away to foster care or something. Danny knew that him and Sebastian had crossed the line but he was hoping that he had kind of made up for it with the note that he had left.

"I thought that I was going to be left alone," Philip cried as he held his brother's hand. "I didn't want brother to leave me."

"Nah, there was no way I was going to leave a little trouble maker like you," Danny said playfully as he tickled his brother with the hand that he still hand a hold on. "I promised you didn't I?"

Philip smiled and nodded as he hugged his brother's arm, noticing for the first time that Philip was missing his pointer finger off of his right hand. Danny glanced warily at Sebastian's parents as he heard them start to move around too, but they didn't look mad. Sebastian's parents looked happy and relieved as they stood from their chairs, the father going to the other side of the curtain away from Danny. Sebastian's mother approached Danny with a big smile on her face as she ruffled his hair.

"Is Sebastian and Nick okay?" Danny asked when he figured that she wasn't going to yell at him.

"Nick had hypothermia and some broken bones, Philip had tried his best to keep him warm, and if the police had gotten there any later it would've been too late to be able save him, but he's doing much better now," Sebastian's mother said as she looked down at Philip proudly before hugging him against her waist. "As for Sebastian, well you can see for yourself."

Sebastian's dad pulled back the curtain and revealed Sebastian who was laying on the bed next to Danny. Danny smiled when he saw that Sebastian was moving around pretty well on his own. He did have some stitches in his face, his leg was in a cast, and Danny could kind of see the bandages that were wrapped around Sebastian's waist.

"We pulled a couple strings and got you guys into the same room," Sebastian's mother commented as she winked to Danny. "Even though what you guys did was reckless and very stupid, you guys did save Philip and Nick and told us where you were."

"I didn't leave a note or anything," Sebastian said confused as he looked between his mother and his father. Then all of the attention turned to Danny, and Danny blushed.

"I may have printed a screenshot of Sebastian's text message, and left it on the bed with a written note underneath the picture," Danny said as he played with the edges of the hospital blanket. Sebastian's mother chuckled and gave Danny a sideways hug so as not to put pressure on his broken shoulder. Danny glanced to Sebastian out from under his eyelashes but he was surprised to see that Sebastian was looking at him with so much respect and love that it made Danny blush and tear up.

"There is someone that does want to say thank you to you two boys," Sebastian's mom said as she walked over to the door and brought Nick's mother into the room. She looked so happy and tearful and she came up and she hugged Danny before going over to gently hug Sebastian. She still had bruises on her face, neck, and the visible parts of her body as well as some stitches that weren't wrapped up in bandages. She did still have a bit of a limp but Danny had honestly thought that she might've looked worse after everything that she had to have gone through.

"Thank you guys, you helped to save my little boy," Nick's mother said as she stood between both of them with tears in her eyes, but she was smiling. "I do need to head back to his room but I just wanted to stop by and say thank you to both of you for saving him."

Then she left the room, presumably to go back to the room where her son was staying. Sebastian's parents explained to both Sebastian and Danny about what was going on on the legal side of things. They said that there wouldn't be any charges against any of them as long as all of them got some counselling, which made Sebastian cringe at the idea of having to go back to counselling. But Danny gave him an encouraging smile, knowing which one that they would most likely be referred to. Mr. Roberts had been shot and killed at the scene, Danny thought that it must've been directly after Mr. Roberts had shot him. Sebastian's parents also made mention that the police may come in and talk with them at some point today, but that it wouldn't be anything too extensive just to tie up some loose ends.

When Philip and Sebastian's parents finally left the hospital it was already dark out, but then again it may have already been dark out when Danny had woken up because he wasn't too sure how much time had passed since he was shot. Danny and Sebastian talked to each other for part of the night until they both got sleepy, eventually falling asleep while facing each other.

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