Chapter 23

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Danny had received a text message shortly after arriving to the house about a race that was going on later that night. Danny hesitated a moment because he knew that he had missed a lot of events already because of the school project. But he knew that he needed to make money if he wanted to get himself and his younger brother out, something that his older brother died before being able to do. Danny sent a text back agreeing to be a racer in tonight's event and waited patiently for the owner of the car to come pick him up.

When Danny and the owner of the car made it to the race, there was already a bunch of cars there gearing up to start. There were small groups of people chatting around a couple of the cars but other than that it was just a regular empty parking lot that they had set up in. The owner of the car set up the car at the starting spot with the other handful of cars that were already there. Danny got out of the passenger seat and waited until the owner handed him the keys so that he could get into the driver's seat. A couple drivers laughed and revved their engines at him, trying to intimidate Danny. Danny just smirked and kept his eyes fixed forward on the road ahead of him waiting for the signal to go. As soon as he saw it, he took off like a rocket, squealing his tires on the asphalt.

Danny held out his hand as the money was counted and was sourly placed into his hands. The other racers were not too happy about losing to such a young driver. Danny split half the winnings with the owner of the car before going around to chat with other people that were still in the parking lot. Danny saw one of his friends over by what looked like a really nice car and was about to go over to talk to him when Danny saw him get punched hard enough that he fell back and hit the ground. Danny instinctively ran over to help him. Even though they hadn't known each other very long, Danny felt that they had really clicked as friends.

"Where's our money, asshat?" said one of the guys that were standing over Danny's friend.

"Look I can get it for you next week, I just need a bit more time," Danny's friend begged from where he was on the ground.

"Okay, but first let's show you what it means to make us wait," said that same guy as he pulled back his arm to swing at Danny's friend again, but Danny intervened.

"You guys heard him, he said that he will get you your money, but he can't really do that if he can't move," Danny said trying to calm down the rough atmosphere. Just then Danny felt a shove from behind and stumbled forward on to his knees. Turned to see that his friend had pushed him towards his attackers with a fearful look on his face.

"H-he's the reason I lost, the reason that I couldn't give you the money that you wanted," Danny's friend whimpered in a rather pitiful voice. Danny suddenly felt like he had been completely thrown under the bus by the one person that he had kind of considered a friend. The next thing that Danny remembered was picking himself up off the ground with blood dripping from his nose and the corner of his mouth, and his head pounding like a drum. Danny sat up slowly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and from underneath his nose. There was still a bunch of people around so Danny assumed that he hadn't have been knocked out for very long.

Danny painfully got to his feet and went to go find the owner of the car to see if he could get a ride home. Danny felt around in his pockets and only found about $10 left in his pockets. Danny cursed when he realized that they had robbed him of his winnings from earlier in the night. Danny found his driver and after one look at Danny offered to take him back home no questions asked. Danny thanked him, got in the car, and was fuming silently in the passenger seat.

Danny thanks the car owner and limps up the steps up to his house as the car drives away.

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