Chapter Twelve

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I walked out of American Literature with my spirits a bit higher after reconciling with Natsu. However, I couldn't help but grimace at the way Jellal and Erza scowled at me today... Well, mostly Erza. Jellal seemed more chill this time, but his eyes stayed with me whenever Erza's did. The redhead beauty terrified me, and I didn't know why she seemingly hated me. It wouldn't have bothered me if she weren't Natsu and Levy's sister, but that wasn't the case. 

If I was going to be friends with them, would her distaste for me be a problem? Gajeel seemed okay with me, though the giant hunk had yet to really take notice of me. Jellal didn't seem as irritated as he did at first, but Erza just got worse and worse. I tried to shake off the feeling as I joined the mob of students filing out of FTA. 

I walked among the chatter-filled teens, and walked towards my little Bug. Large puddles were formed from this morning's heavy storm, and I attempted to dodge the biggest ones. They were pretty deep. 

I got to my car, opening the driver seat's door and tossing my bag across the front seats. I looked up, seeing the Dreyers walking out towards their cars, ignoring the enormous puddles on the ground. Natsu looked up a minute after I saw him and smiled at me as he walked. I smiled back. Gajeel followed his eyes before looking back at Natsu and hitting him playfully on his back.

Suddenly, both of the boys froze, their faces twisted into confusion, shock, and slight fear. They tilted their heads, focusing on something. 

Out of no where, a large screech mixed with a slush sounded behind me. I turned sharply at the noise and my eyes widened in immediate fear.

Jet sat in the driver's seat of his navy blue van, fear written all over his face as he tried to gain control of his vehicle. He had hit the water wrong. To make it worse, his van was sliding rapidly towards my Beetle... And I was standing in between them. 

It was obvious his van wouldn't heed without a stopping force, one that just so happened to be my car, which I was frozen in shock in front of. Then, it was as if time sped up three times its normal flow. My eyes were able to register everything: the sea of horrified faces in the parking lot, Jet realizing his car was heading for me and yelling for me to move, and my heart sinking into my stomach as I understood I would never be able to get out of the way fast enough.

So, I closed my eyes, readying for the immense impact.

However, when it came, it wasn't from the direction I expected... It was blown into my right side. A scorching temperature I could strangely recognize followed with it, and my legs were knocked from under me, causing me to fall onto my back and hit my head hard on the concrete. Something was wrapped around my waist, pulling me back up as soon as my head made contact with the ground. I opened my eyes, seeing a flash of pink first, and then focusing to see Natsu holding on to me and... growling?

Yeah, he was growling, and he faced something in front of us. I turned my head to see the van's side suddenly dead in front of us. Natsu's hand extended to fit perfectly into the large intent on the side of the car, meant to make it stop. It was a fail though, because the van's front was still wheeling toward us.

I couldn't manage a scream, so a whimper escaped my mouth as Natsu huffed in annoyance and pushed the van roughly away to balance the front evenly with the back. The impact of his push resulted in a huge crunch sound from the metal of the car, and an enormous dent was made all the way up to the van's back window.

Natsu grabbed my sprawled legs and swung them closer to himself. I was confused why he did this until I saw the back window's damage, causing shattered glass to pop on to the concrete, right where my legs had previously been. 

It was over now, and I turned shakily to the pink-haired boy who still held me. Natsu's pupils were mere dots as he stared at the mangled van, his teeth no longer bared, but anger still radiating off his body.

Twilight (Fairy Tail Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें