Chapter Thirty-Four

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They entered the clearing in synchronization.

The first male—slicked-back raven hair, pale skin, and a lean build—entered with a floor-length black and silver trench coat, its sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His chest was exposed since the coat wasn't buttoned.

He would've seemed pretty normal if it weren't for the inky black that covered the right side of his body.

The man stopped suddenly, thinking, and then allowing another male to lead the group.

This man wore some kind of skin tight black-and-white knightly armor. It covered his entire body with the exception of his wide smile and nose. He had black and purple shoulder pieces with skulls painted on them, and a light blue skirt-like bottom with black Xs. His forearms wore adorned with scaly, green sleeves.

Lastly, a woman entered, following closely behind the first man. She had wavy ocean-blue hair, a shade darker than Levy's. It fell down to her rib cage. The top of her head was adorned with a navy-blue hat. She wore a skin tight navy-blue blouse with sleeves pushed to her elbows, and a long, flowing navy-blue skirt with large slits in the front. Her blouse was unbuttoned for the most part, so her dark bralette was on display. The same went for her creamy ivory legs through the slits of her skirt.

As they all drew closer, they closed the gaps between themselves, becoming more of a group than three nomads. They seemed cautious. This seemed natural, considering they were encountering a group far bigger than their own.

Did they know yet? Could they tell that one of us was different from the rest? That this clan had a huge vulnerability right in front of them?

My heart raced, and I knew it'd give me away to the newcomers.

I was going to die, or even worse, Natsu was going to get hurt trying to protect me...

Suddenly, the racing of my heart slowed exponentially. I was relaxed, at complete ease. Even through the amazing feeling, I was confused as to what the hell caused—

My head turned to Jellal next to me, and he looked at me in the corner of his eye. He sent me a wink, and I breathed in relief.

As the group got closer, I could see how different they were from the Dreyers. They were more animalistic, less civilized. It was obvious in their predatory walk and the wary quick-flashes of their eyes.

The first man's eyes were steel-blue. Striking.

The second man's eyes were unseen under his armor.

The woman's eyes were large, doll-like, and deep-blue like Mira's, but haunting... like Flare's.

My heart would've been beating out of my chest had Jellal not gotten control of my mood.

None of them wore shoes. The two whose heads were exposed had leaves stuck in their hair, and the woman had dirt climbing up her skirt.

The Dreyers all gathered around finally, and I felt like nothing could hurt me now with everyone together. I clutched on to the back of Natsu's shirt still.

The nomads studied the polished Laxus, strong, tall, and comfortable compared to them. Laxus stepped forward, flanked by Erza and Gajeel, a pair I now knew as the most threatening in the entire family.

Mira and Levy stood on my right side, Jellal on my left, and Natsu in front of me. Together, we listened to the group's introductions.

The second man smiled widely, rivaling Natsu's smile easily in length, "We thought we heard a game." He cheesed. His voice was sharp and rough, like a hyena's, "The name's Bickslow. This is Juvia Lockser and Gray Fullbuster." He gestured to his friends.

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