Chapter Twenty

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Sher came out from the radio station and as soon he was out from the building his eyes met with her. She was standing leaning on a wall and when he saw her she quickly stood straight up. He for a brief second looked at her then started walking towards his car. He without a word coldly walk passed from her and she sighed. She looked at his back then started following him. He noticed her walking behind her so he stopped and she stopped then he snapped back towards her. He stared at her who look around not meeting his eyes .

'What are you doing here?' Sher asked and she looked at him then shrugged her shoulder.

'I have some business to do in this area. Is I am
not allowed here? This area does not  belong to you.' Nora answered and Sher looked at her for few seconds then turned over and started working. Nora followed him again. He stopped next to his car and opened it while she was standing behind him. He opened the driving seat to sat down when he looked back towards her who was standing looking at her.

'You have been following me from past week. Stop coming Nora. Your face remind me off so many painful memories.' Sher said painfully and turned over to sat down when he heard her.

'And what about good memories?' Nora asked and he stopped then looked back towards her.

'Did we even have any good memories?' Sher said coldly and she felt hurt with his words but she still nodded her head.

'Loads.' Nora replied and smiled while he just stared at her but did not say anything. Then he turned over and sat down in the car when she quickly walked and sat down on other seat. He looked at her who carelessly looked away.

'I am hungry. I have been waiting for your past five hours. So buy food for me now.' Nora said while acting carelessly

'I thought you had a business in this area?' Sher said sarcastically and she looked up towards him.

'You knew I was lying. Now come on let's go and eat.' Nora answered and he sighed

'Did you mother know you are here?' Sher asked

'Yes, I told her I am going to meet my husband.' Nora answered

'We are still getting divorce. Don't think too much.' Sher answered

'You never know. We might don't get divorce.' Nora answered while smiling

'What do you mean?' Sher asked seriously

'Nothing. Let's just go and eat.' Nora said while looking away but he was deeply staring at her.

'Come on please. I am hungry.' Nora said and Sher looked at her then defeatedly sighed and started off the car. Nora smiled while looking out of window and rest of journey went in a silence. They reached in front of a restaurant and he parked the car then they both came out. They quietly walked inside the restaurant then place their order and sat down on a table in a corner. Sher started looking out of the window and Nora was looking at his quiet and sad face.

'What are you looking at?' Sher asked after few second but still looking out of window.

'What I want to.' Nora answered and he snapped his head towards her who was smiling looking at her. He sighed the looked away while the silent took place between them. After some time waiter came with a food and set it up on the table and they started eating. Quietly they finished off their food and then they stood up. Sher paid the bill and they both came out .

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