Chapter Twenty Two

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Nora came out from the room and walked towards the kitchen. As she entered she saw him eating his food. He looked up towards her for a second then looked away totally ignoring her. She hurt fully looked at him then walked , got her food the  sat down on the opposite chair. She looked at him who was still quietly eating and she sighed

'Salam, you can at least greet me. We are muslims even if you don't accept me as your wife.' Nora said and he stopped then looked up towards her

'Wasalam.' Sher simply replied then went back to his food while she annoyed sighed but then also did not say anything. They both were eating in complete silence.

'You are not going on a work?' Nora asked when she saw him still at home as it was 10:00 in a day.

'No, I am not going. I got holidays for wedding.' Sher answered

'What's the point of that? We are not even going somewhere. Why don't you join back? I can go with my so-called boyfriend who I have trap like I did with you.' Nora said sarcastically and still hurt with his last words while he glared up towards her

'Let me even know in advance if you are not coming in night. I will call my boyfriend to enjoy my nights without you. You are not any way going to give me rights of your wife.' Nora said without caring about his glare

'Shut it Nora.' Sher screamed loudly while standing up from his chair and they both were looking dead in each other's eyes.

'Why? Why I should shut up? You anyway think like that about me. According to you I must have seduce many man before you so what is so wrong in my words, Huh?' Nora asked back while he stayed quite still looking at each other.

'..........I am just a cheap women to you then why it matter to you. You know now I will prove to you how bad women I am. I will have a affair under your nose and I will see what you will do about it?' Nora said back while challenging him but she knew she was just all saying this because she was hurt

'You won't want to know what I will do to you really don't want to know.' Sher said as a warning and she sarcastically smiled then stood up from her place and got hold of his collar while standing on both sides of table

'Tell me? I want to know? What would a cowards and suspicious man like you will do with me? Huh.....I want to hear it....tell me....tell me right away......' Nora screamed asked and on her words he felt anger burning inside him. He looked at her then moved and harshly got hold of her from her hair

'I will kill you....did you hear me I will kill you don't even think of messing or testing me.' Sher screamed said back like a warning and on his harsh words she was dumbfounded looked at him while she could felt pain in her hair because of his hard grip. She was in pain physical and mentally. Her heart was hurting but her ego, pride was also hurt so how she would not answer back to him.

'Then why you have not kill me if you think I trap your father and cheated on you.' Nora screamed asked while slowly his grip loosen on her hair but she kept looking dead in his eyes

'Because then I don't know how I will keep living.....Even you will have hundred affair right under my nose I still think I won't be able to kill you. I just can't.....I am a coward and you are right about it.' Sher said little defeated

':.......Happy is that was what you wanted to hear.....happy now......' Sher screamed said next while letting her go then turned over to walk when she came back in her senses and spoke up.

'I regret it.' Nora whispered softly said but he heard it and stopped in the door frame as he was about to got out from the room.

'I regret falling in love with you voice......I regret getting crazy over you......I regret kidnapping you and forcing you to marry me......' Nora whispered slowly said while he was listening. Their back were facing each other.

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