Best Phone Call Ever!

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     I had just gotten finished with my photoshoot for a nice family's reunion when my phone rings. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and see that it's an unknown number. Now, normally I wouldn't answer, but I just got this feeling that I would regret it if I didn't answer. I press accept on my phone.

"Hello! Is this Samantha Maddux?" A man asks.

"Yes, this is she. And if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I reply.

"I'm Theo Epstein, the President of Baseball Operations for the Chicago Cubs. And our lead Photographer just retired, and we are in a time crunch to find a replacement. So, I was wondering if you could come down to Chicago for a interview?" Theo answers.

My eyes widen I shock, "I'd love to come down to Chicago, when would you like to have the interview?"

"Does April 4th work for you?"

"That's fine with me. I'll see you Saturday then?" I ask for confirmation.

"Great! On Saturday, I'll meet you outside of Wrigley and lead you too my office,"Theo explains.

"Okay! Thank you for this opportunity! Goodbye," I say excitedly.

"See you Saturday. Goodbye," Theo replies before he hangs up.

Well that was exciting, I think to myself. It's April 2, so I have to pack tonight, and drive there tomorrow. Yay packing.

I drive home in my B5 Blue Dodge Charger Hellcat, which I really only use for when I have to lug my equipment around. I park behind my motorcycle, and I notice that my best friend,Regan, truck is parked next to my motorcycle. I leave my equipment in the car since I'll have take it with me tomorrow anyway, but I grab my purse. I unlock the door, and see Regan watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S on my tv. I smile cause that is our show, and lean over the back of the coach.

"So, you'll never believe the phone call that I got today,"I somehow manage to say with a straight face.

"Okay, I'll bite. Tell me about this magic phone call,"Regan says sarcastically.

"I have a job interview," I state

"And what so special about that?" She asks

"It's Saturday, and it's in Chicago," I explain

"Oh, so you're gonna leave me here while you go to Chicago? I see how it is," She replies annoyed

"You're welcome to come along," I mention

Regan looks at me for the first time, and smiles, "Yay! Road trip!"

I laugh, "I guess you could look at it that way. Especially, since Chicago is nine hours from here, and we have to leave tomorrow."

Regan jumps off the couch. and rushes to her room, "OH MY GOD! I have to start packing."

I laugh again, and grab the remote to turn off the tv. Then, I head to my room to start packing. I grab some Chicago Cubs Merch and pack those, and then I grab some pjs. I have the best pjs. Then, I grab a few odds and ends, and pack those too. It's 8:30pm when I finish packing. I open my bedroom door, and yell, "GOODNIGHT!"

I hear a muffled, "Goodnight!"

I close the door, and change into my pjs. I lay down in bed setting an alarm for 4:30am, since we have to leave early if we want to get to Chicago on time. I then put my phone on the charger, and turn off my bedside lamp. It's not long before sleep takes hold on me.
I manage to wake Regan up, and put our bags in the car. We are on the road at 5:00am, and we stop every so often for food, or bathroom breaks. We arrive in Chicago at 2:00pm, and try to find our hotel that I booked yesterday.

Regan points out The Talbot Hotel after ten minutes of searching.  We checking and head up to our room. Regan takes the left side of the room, and I take the right. Regan decided to relax while I go to see The Bean.

As I'm walking down the street someone literally runs into me, and I land on my back on the concrete.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?"I hear a worried male's voice say.

"It's okay. I'm fine," I groan.

The man takes my hand, and pulls me up, "Are you sure you're okay?"

I finally notice who ran into me. No way! It's Anthony freakin' Rizzo!

"Y-y-you're A-Anthony R-Rizzo!" I stutter

"Yes. That's me, and you never answered my question," He replies between laughs.

"OH! RIGHT! I'm fine."

"If you don't mind me asking, where were you going?"

I smile, "I was going to see The Bean."

He smiles back, "Well I could take you there, if you'd like?"

I'm now smiling ear to ear, "That would be amazing! Thanks!"

He throws his arm around me leading me in the direction of the Bean, "No Problem. After all, it's the least I could do, since I ran into you."

I laugh, "You weren't meaning to though."

Anthony looks at me and smiles, "You got me there."

We walk in silence for a few minutes before Anthony asks, "So, any particular reason you're in Chicago?"

I nod, "I'm being interviewed by Theo for the Photographer position."

He stops waking in pure excitement, "Wow! So, I might get to see you more."

I laugh at his shock, "Yeah, I guess so!"

He pumps his fist that isn't wrapped around my shoulder in excitement, "YES! I get to see the pretty lady again."

I look down blushing, "I'm not that pretty."

He stops walking again, and turns to took at me, "Yes, you are. Don't say that you aren't because you are. I happen to think that you're pretty. Wait! No, no, I think you're beautiful."

I smile unable to stop myself from blushing even harder, "Thank you."

He smiles back, "You're very welcome."

We soon come to stand in front of The Bean. I stare up at it in awe, "I'm so glad that I decided to get out of my hotel room."

I can see Anthony smile behind me thanks to The Bean, "I'm glad too. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you."

Anthony then taps me on the shoulder, "Here, hand me your phone."

I'm confused, but I comply. Anthony then pulls me into his side, and takes a picture of the both of us. Then, he does something on my phone before handing it back to me.

"I have to go, but I hope to see you tomorrow," Anthony says with a sad smile.

"I'll definitely look for you tomorrow. Hopefully, I get to be y'all's photographer," I reply.

He pulls me into a hug, "You will, I know you will."

We then part ways, and I head back to the hotel. I open the door to our room, and see that Regan is passed out on her bed. I look over at the clock on the wall, and see that it's 7:30pm. Wow! Time flew by! I decide to change into a random pair of pjs, and head to bed also. Long day ahead of me anyway. Before I go to sleep, I post a pic of me and Anthony on instagram with the caption: I got to see The Bean, and met Anthony Rizzo all in one day. Funny, to think that this all started with a phone call yesterday.

I'm about to put my phone on the charger, when I get a text.

Anthony 🐻⚾️
Goodnight, Little Cub!

Goodnight, Tony!

I put my phone on the charger, and fall into a blissful sleep.

My Favorite Seasonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें