Turning 25

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I make the mistake of turning onto my right side, and I moan in pain. My hip is still healing from getting it replaced again. I feel Anthony gently turn me onto my back, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "Yeah. Hip still hurts though."

He chuckles, "Well, Yeah. You literally got a new hip."

I smirk as I flip us over so I'm on top of him. He flips us back over, "Is someone getting frisky?"

I shrug, "It's my birthday. Can you blame me?"

He leans down, "No. I really can't."

He reaches for the drawer that holds the box of condoms. I sigh, "Do we have to?"

His eyebrows raise, "Really? You're always insisting on using one."

I pull him down, "I don't care anymore."

He smiles, "Having baby fever after meeting Vincent?"

I sigh, "Maybe. You got a cute nephew."

He kisses my lips, "He's your future nephew."

I smile, "Yeah. Anyway. I don't care. If something happens. It happens."

He looks at me lovingly before opening the box of condoms, "Definitely have baby fever."

I roll my eyes as I begin to kiss his jaw, "Shut up."

He growls, "Yes, Ma'am."

Anthony begins making his way down, and I close my eyes.

Definitely a great way to start your birthday.

I pull the collar of my white dress a little higher, trying to cover up the hickey on my neck. Anthony wraps his arms around me, "Sorry."

I chuckle as I turn in his arms, "Don't be. I like having you claim me."

He kisses me, "Come on, Your parents won't wait forever."

I sigh, "How unfortunate."

Wrigley nudges us, and we both chuckle. I lean down to grab his leash, "Okay. Okay. We're going."

I let Anthony lead us out, and Wrigley climbs up into the front seat with me. He lays across my legs, and I watch the buildings of Parkland, Florida fly by. I smile as I feel the sun in my face, "Florida is beautiful."

I can practically hear Anthony smile, "But?"

I look at him questioningly, "How do you know there's a but?"

He smirks, "I've heard a different version of that phrase from you before."

I shake my head fondly, "Mmmhmm. Sure. Anyway, Florida is beautiful, but I still love Chicago."

He smiles, "It does have certain charm to it."

I chuckle, "Ah, yes. The charm known as Wrigley Field."

Wrigley perks up at his name before laying back down when he realizes that we were not talking to him. Anthony and I laugh. Wrigley gets up again, and lays his head on my legs. I scratch behind his ears, "You're a good boy aren't you? Always takin' care of me."

He closes his eyes in content. I smile, "Sleepy Puppy."

I follow Wrigley's lead, and I shut my eyes.
I feel someone poke my face," Wakey wakey eggs and bakey."

I slowly open my eyes, "Is it morning or Evening?"

My mom chuckles, "Night actually."

I sigh as I sit up, "Sorry that you all had to wait."

My Favorite SeasonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora