I've Got a Needle in My Chest

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Once we get into the suite the nurse attaches monitors to my chest, a cuff on my arm, prongs in my nose, and and a probe on my finger. Then, Mikki does a ultrasound of my chest to make sure that the blood vessels are open. While Mikki is doing that the nurse asks, "Your name is Samantha Maddux, right?"

I nod, "Yes. My name is Samantha Maddux"

She writes something on a clipboard, "And you're allergic to Penicillin?"

I nod again, "Correct"

She smiles,"Okay. Once Dr.Sanchez is done doing the ultrasound I will begin give you a sedative, but you'll stay awake. However, you won't feel anything except maybe a slight pressure every now and then.  I'm also going to place a tarp over your body, and it'll cover part of your face. After that we will inject a local anethesic at the base of your neck that will numb you from the chest down. Also, we will wipe you down with antiseptic. Next, a incision will he made under your collarbone. The port will sit under your skin and be fully hidden. The catheter will run through your chest tissue, into a vein in your neck, and down toward your heart. Once that's done Dr.Sanchez will close the incision with sutures that will dissolve over time. Do you understand all this?"

I nod, "Yes, I understand"

Mikki takes the wand off my chest, and motions for the nurse to begin the anesthesia. The nurse places a breathing mask on my face, and I feel a little drowsy, but not enough to fall asleep. For the first time ever Mikki is completely silent as she works, and I just kinda stare blearily at the overhead light. I think I talk about random topics, but I can't quite remember what they were.

In fact I'm so out of it that I don't realize that time has passed until Mikki sets her tools aside, "Alright, Samantha. All done!"

I look at her confused, "Really?!"

She laughs,"Yeah. Really. Now, what do you say about getting back to Anthony?"

I wake up a little at that, "Yes! Please!"

She smiles, and begins to wheel me back to the room I was in before. When we get to the room I see Anthony playing with Wrigley, and they both turn to look as the door opens. Wrigley barks happily, and Anthony smiles, "Good to see you survived!"

I smile at him without a word. Anthony laughs, "Hopped up on hospital drugs"

I continue to smile at him, so Mikki responds for me, "Yes. She is."

Anthony nods, "Thought so"

I continue to smile as Wrigley jumps up on my bed. Mikki just shakes her head, "Normally she would be allowed to leave in two hours, but she's gonna have to stay for a couple days since we are giving her antibiotics"

Anthony nods as I pet Wrigley, not paying attention at all. Mikki pats my shoulder before walking out, and Anthony sits down beside me on the bed, "Guess what?"

I perk up, "What?!"

He pokes my leg,"My parents, and your parents are coming to see you"

My eyes widen, "Really!?"

Anthony laugh,"Yes. Really, Little Cub"

I yawn, "Yay."

Anthony sighs happily, "It's gonna be a long couple of days"

I nod as my eyes begin to close, "It's nap time"

Anthony chuckles, "I'll be here when you wake up"

I hum in contentment as I drift off.
I wake up to stinging pain in my chest, and a throbbing in my hip. I then realize that someone is moving my right hip around, and I look down at my hip slightly to see Mikki. I sigh, and just let her give me the hip examination. I look around the rest of the room, I see Wrigley at my feet, and I see Anthony, his family, and my parents watching in the corner. I wave slightly, and they all wave back.

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