They Went All the Way!

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I walk out of the hotel bedroom rubbing my eyes. I actually slept in for once because the twins didn't wake me up, which is weird. However, I see why they haven't woken me up before now. Good Vibrations is playing softly, and Anthony is dancing around with both the twins in his arms. I lean against the wall watching them with a smile on my face. We were released from the hospital on November 1st, headed to Cincinnati with the boys, and now we are getting ready for the last games of the series.

Anthony frowns when he sees me, "You're supposed to be sleeping."

I raise an eyebrow, "Well I figured something was wrong considering the twins haven't woken me up yet, but I see that they are in good hands."

Anthony smiles as he looks at Gemma and Kris, "Yeah. We're having fun, aren't we?"

They babble among themselves, and I take Kris out of Anthony's arms, "What time is it?"

Anthony glances at his watch from around Gemma's head, " 7:00 am. I was thinking about Pancakes. Oh, also don't worry about feeding the twins. I already gave them their bottles."

I kiss the top of Kris' head, "You're a great dad already. I don't know what you were worried about."

He shrugs, "I don't know. We're good at this parenting thing."

I raise an eyebrow, "See if you still feel that way in 18 years."

He winks before handing Gemma to me  and walking to the hotel rooms tiny kitchen. I begin to very gently bounce up, and down, "Anthony! When did you and the twins get up?"

"5:00 am!" He yells from the kitchen.

I nod to myself as I go from a bounce to a gentle sway. I begin to hum a German lullaby called Wiegenlied that I remember my mom singing to me when I was little. Their little eyes flutter shut as I begin to sing out loud.

Guten Abend, gute Nacht,
mit Rosen bedacht,
mit Näglein[N 1] besteckt,
schlupf unter die Deck!
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will,
wirst du wieder geweckt.

Guten Abend, gute Nacht,
von Englein bewacht,
die zeigen im Traum
dir Christkindleins Baum.
Schlaf nun selig und süß,
schau im Traum 's Paradies.

The twins are sound asleep now, and I go to the bedroom to carefully place them in their bassinets. I turn around and jump slightly when I see Anthony standing in the doorway. I hold my hand over my chest, "What?"

He smiles softly, "I didn't know you could sing."

I sigh, "Yeah. I can." I push past him towards the mini kitchen, and he follows after me.

"Why don't you sing more often?" he asks.

I shrug, "One of my old choir teachers ruined it for me. I really only sing anymore in front of my family."

He frowns, "I'm sorry. If it helps I think you have a beautiful voice."

I wink, "I think j can use that voice a little more from now on."

He smirks, "I look forward to it."

I sit down at the island, "Now. I believe I remember something about pancakes."

Anthony pushes a plate with three pancakes towards me, "You remembered right."

I lick my lips, "I haven't had these in nine months."

He chuckles, "I can't believe pancakes would be your one aversion."

I pour syrup over the pancakes, "It sucked."

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