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I wake up, and my head is pounding. I groan, "I didn't take my medicine."

"We'll have to work on that." Anthony says huskily, obviously still half asleep.

I make a noise of agreement as I snuggle up closer to him. I kiss his jaw, "Did you enjoy your birthday?"

I can watch him smile with his eyes closed, "Of Course I did. I had the people I love with me."

I smile, "Good. That's good."

He reaches his hand to rest against my thigh, and he freezes when his thumb runs across something unusual. He crash an eye open, and he uses his other hand to pull the blanket up slightly. His eyes widen, "What is that?"

I look under the blanket to where he is looking at my Hemangioma. I raise an eyebrow at him, "I've had that this entire time, and you've never noticed?"

He gives me a knowing look, "The only time I really see your legs is during you know what."

"I guess you have a point." I relent.

He looks back at my leg, "Seriously though, do I have to worry about that?"

I chuckle, "No. Hemangiomas are benign overgrowth of blood vessels. I've had it since I was little. I could have gotten surgically removed, but I just never saw a need to."

He nods as he finally puts the blanket down. I wink, "Fun fact for ya, it's why I keep my finger nails short. When I was younger it was puffer, and my mom didn't want my nails to accidentally cut it open, so she would clip my nails all the time. So, now I subconsciously have to have my nails short."

He chuckles, "Quirky much?"

I let out an evil laugh, "You've got so much to learn."

We both continue to laugh until we're out of breath. Anthony's hand moves up to under my shirt(which was actually his shirt, but I'm wearing it, so my shirt). He begins to look concerned. I look at him confused, "What's wrong, Hun?"

He presses his hand further into my back, "You're burning up, Sam."

I raise my hand to my forehead, and I also notice that I'm a lot warmer than normal. Which by the way says a lot because I'm already a space heater. Now, I feel like a fire. Cliche am I right?

I sigh, "Great. Cause what I need right is to be sick"

Wrigley begins to whine from the floor, and I get up, but my legs give out from under me. My face hits the floor, and I groan loudly. Anthony helps me up, and back onto the bed, "I think you should stay home today."

"No. I can't. I have to take Wrigley to the vet." I argue.

He attacks a leash to Wrigley's collar, "Sam, please don't fight me on this. You can barely stand up."

I sit up to glare at him, "I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

He rolls his eyes, "You could've fooled me."

I spring out of the bed, "Excuse me?!"

He holds up a hand, "I'm sorry. That slipped out. I know you can take care of yourself, but sometimes I feel like you forget to."

I scoff, "Whatever. You go do whatever the fuck you want. Hell,you take Wrigley to the vet if your so worried that I can't get out of bed!"

I watch him shake his head angrily as he walks out with Wrigley. Once I hear the front door close I collapse into a pile of tears. I lean down, and cry into the bedspread, "Why can't you just listen to what others say for once?"

I repeat that over and over again until im just plain whining, no longer having any tear to release. I look at the alarm clock, and I see that it's 8:30am. I force myself to get out of bed, and make some breakfast. My legs are really unstable, so I have to use the walls to actually make it to the kitchen. I support myself on the counter as I reach up to get a thing of Ramen noodles.

I bring it down to the counter, and my eyes begin to feel heavy. I shake my head trying to stay awake, and that works for a few times. However, my legs come out from under me, and I hit my head on the counter on my way down. The pain that was already wrapped around my head multiplys by 100. I lay on the floor unable to move, just staring at the cupboards. My eyes eventually close, and the darkness begins to swarm my brain.
I become aware of myself again when I hear a door slam. I try to open my eyes, move, or even talk, but I find that it's physically impossible right now. I hear Anthony yell, "SAM! I'm home. You haven't answered any of my calls or texts."

I hear otherwise doors opening, and then closing. I hear a gasp, "Oh my God. NO!"

I feel myself being pulled into Anthony's lap. He brushes hair out of my face, "Sam? Sam?!"

I still can't reply. In fact, Anthony's voice becomes distorted and distant. My awareness fades again.
When I "wake up" again I can feel that my head is wrapped. Wonder why that is? Also, I feel a weight on my hand. It's a little painful, but I can't do anything about it because I can't move anything besides my toes.

I wiggle my toes a little, and I groan slightly. The weight on my arm is removed, and I distantly hear several voices around me. I groan again, or at least I think I do. Some opens my eyes for me, and shines a light in them. I want to close my eyes, but I still have no control over them. I'm thankful that the person closes them for me again. I feel some lean down next to my ear, and I can slightly hear what they are saying. "She's starting to wake up a little. However, she'll probably still be in a coma for awhile. Honestly, it's probably better that she stays that way because of the inflammation in her brain."

I recognize the voice as Mikkis, and I groan again. Yay. Hospital. AGAIN. I think Mikki pats my hand, and walks away, but I can't be too sure because I can't see. Some else takes her place, and leans down, "Sam. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I am so sorry. I shouldn't have gotten into it with you. I shouldn't have left you alone either. When I walked in after the game and saw you laying there... Well my heart stopped. I thought you had died. It scared me more then when I was told that I had Cancer. I'm gonna make it up to you when you wake up. I promise. I love you so much. I hurts me to see you like this. Please wake up soon. Think you can do that?"

Anthony sounds so defeated that I focus all the energy I have of grabbing his hand, and I only manage to move my finger, but it's a start. He must have seen my attempt because he chuckles, "Don't strain yourself now. I'll wait for you to wake up. Don't worry."

I lose consciousness again knowing that I'm not alone. Which is all I could ask for right now.

My Favorite SeasonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora