Brithday Dinner and Precedure

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I glare down at my 27 week pregnant belly, which sticks out of the water of the bath I drew for myself. You two better stop kicking. I hear the front door open, and I jump a little bit. I look back down at my stomach before deciding that it's not worth it to get out of the tub. I relax against the ceramic tile, and hope that it's not a killer. I close my eyes as I place my hands on top of my stomach. I hear the door open, and then a chuckle. I crack an eye open, and I smile when I see it Anthony, "Happy Birthday."

He kneels down next to the tub, "Thank you, sweetheart. How are is my family doing? I saw Wrigley in the living room."

I open my other eye, "We're good. You're children won't stop moving, but I think they just missed their daddy because they seem to have calmed down now."

He places his right hand on top of mine, "I missed them too."

I raise an eyebrow, "What about me?"

He leans towards me slightly to place a small kiss to my cheek, "I always miss you when I leave."

I sigh happily, "Ditto."

I give Anthony an awkward smile, "Can you help me out of here?"

Anthony laughs, "What were you gonna do if I weren't here?"

I shrug, "Pray to god for the strength to get up."

He smirks, "Sarcasm is strong with this one."

I nod, "You're damn skippy."

He grabs my hands,slowly help me stand up, and step out of the tub. He hands me a towel, which I wrap loosely around myself. It's only Anthony. I follow him to the bedroom, "So what do you want to do on your birthday."

He sits on the bed, and watches me as I change into one of his shirts, and I don't even bother to put more than underwear on. He pushes a piece of wet hair out of my face, "I was thinking that we could sit in the bed, and watch movies all day long."

I frown, "Really? Nothing else?"

He raises an eyebrow, "What did you plan?"

I sigh as I collapse against his chest, " I called Chef Tony Priolo, asked him to come here, and make you a nice Italian birthday dinner. I even invited your friends Danny and Gracie. I'll go cancel though."

I got to get up, but he pulls me back to his chest, "You don't have to cancel. I just thought that you would want to relax."

I raise my head, "I can't stay still remember. That's probably gonna do me more harm that good later, but still."

He chuckles, "Good point. Thank you. It was sweet of you to sit that."

I smile, "I do everything for you."

"And I do everything for you," Anthony counters.

His hand begins to slowly move up and down my back, and my eyes flutter shut.
I smooth my maroon sundress over the twins, and I hear a cat call. I turn to Anthony with a raised eyebrow, "Like what you see?"

He nods, "I think it would look better on the floor."

I smirk, "Keep it in your pants, Mister."

He walks over to me, and pulls me as close as my bump will allow, "Do I ever?"

I rest my hands on his chest, "You're right. What was I thinking?"

He leans down to kiss me, and I wrap my arms around his neck. I pull away when I hear the door bell ring. Anthony groans, and walks away to answer it. I grimace as my head pounds again. I rub my temples for a second before giving up, and walking out to the kitchen where I see Anthony talking to Chef Tony.

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