New Home, Old Friends, and a Date

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I wake up at 6:00am and quickly get dressed so that I can go to the open house. I get a text from Anthony as I'm waking out the door.

Good morning, Little Cub!
Sorry, I didn't text you last night.
I ate a bowl of ice cream, and fell
asleep on the couch. Also, we don't
have a game today. The weather is
pretty bad.   

Good morning, Tony!
It's okay, I forgot too.
I literally passed out as
as soon as we got to the
hotel. Also, thanks for the heads
up cause I didn't know that.

No prob 😊👍


I arrive at the house at 7:00am, and see the couple who was selling the house waiting for me. I climb out of my car, "Sorry that I kept y'all waiting"

The woman just shakes her head, "No, no! You're fine"

They lead me around the house, and show me all the odds and ends. After two hours of looking at the house I decide that I will great for me and Regan. We decide on a price, and I fill out all the paper work. I also fill out multiple checks for plumbing, utilities, electric, deposits.(A.N: I'm trying to make this go fast, so I'm not gonna do everything that you need to do to buy a house). I say goodbye to the former home owners, and head back the hotel. 

I open the door and see Regan and a young man sitting on the bed playing Minecraft. They both look up when they hear the door close. I recognize the man as Austin. A friend who was supposed to be in Texas because he's a archeological photographer. 


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(A.N: This is Austins Outfit)

"HEY! SAM!" Austin yells as he jumps up and hugs me.

I pat his back, "It's good to see you to Austin, but if you don't mind me asking. Why are you here?"

Austin sits back on the bed and starts playing Minecraft again, "Why not?"

I just shake my head, "Good point"

I put my stuff up, and check my phone.

Hey! Ik you're probably
busy, but I was wondering
if you would like to go
on a date? You don't
have to if you don't
want to, but I thought I
should ask.

Hi! I would love to go
on a date with you. 😊

YAY! 🤗

I do a little happy dance, "OMG! Guys I'm going on a date with Anthony!!"

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