Unexpected News

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I pull a pair of blue skinny jeans out of the closet, I fight through my nausea to get dressed for both my doctors appointment, and the first spring training game that I've felt well enough to actually attend and do my job at. I go to button my pants when I notice that they are a little tighter then they usually are. Wait? I'm not right. No. No. Of course not.

I shake my head a I throw on one of Anthony's Cubs sweatshirts. This is one of his smaller one, so it doesn't look like a dress on me. I head out into the living room to see him playing tug of war with Wrigley. I chuckle lightly when I see that it's one of Anthony's socks that Wrigley has in his mouth. I whistle sharply, and Wrigley drops the sock. Anthony turns to me with a grateful smile, "Thank you."

I smile as I sit down, "You're very welcome, my love."

Wrigley walks over to me, and nudges my stomach. I begin to pet his head before standing up again to get his vest. Anthony glances over my body, "You sure you'll be okay going to see Mikki alone? You've been really sick."

I give him a knowing look, "Stop worrying. I'll feel fine right now. I took all my medicine. Also, Mikki didn't fly all the way down to Arizona for nothing. I'm not just gonna bail on her."

He sighs as he steps over to me. He pulls me against his chest, "I know. I just... I don't know."

I wrap my arms around his torso, "You're worried that one day I'm gonna leave, and not come back alive."

He doesn't reply as he pulls me further into his chest. I don't know how long we stay like this, but we let go of each other when Wrigley barks. He has his vest in his mouth, and I laugh, "Impatient are we?"

He wags his tail happily as I take his vest to put it on him. I also attach his leash. I kiss Anthony's cheek on the way to the door, "I'll see you at the game, okay? I promise."

He smiles, "See you at the game."
Mikki is quick to see me at the hospital in Arizona. She smiles, "So I hear we may be pregnant?"

I roll my eyes, "I never even said that."

She shrugs, "Nausea, headaches, low blood pressure, cramping, metallic taste in mouth, spotting, weight gain, and aversions to food you used to love. It certainly sounds like it to me."

I sigh, "Can we get on with the tests please?"

She holds up her hands, "Yeah." She hands me a plastic cup, "Here. Go into the bathroom, and pee in this."

I take the cup from her, and I make Wrigley wait by the table. I go into the bathroom, and it takes about ten minutes for me to work up the courage to actually pee in the cup. I come back out of the bathroom feeling violated. I hold the cup out to Mikki, who takes it with a gloves hand. She places it on a tray next to a clipboard. She gestures to my chest, "I'll need to access your port for the blood sample."

I nod as I pull my sweatshirt down slightly. She goes through sticking the needle in my chest, and I wince slightly. She looks up, and lightly presses on other areas of my chest, "Is that tender?"

I sigh, "Yeah."

Mikki smirks, "Still don't wanna believe it?"

I glare at her, and she shuts up. She fills two vials with my blood before deaccessing my port. She grabs the cup, and clipboard, "I'll be back."

I nod, "Yeah. Yeah. I'll be here."

She laughs quietly as she leaves the room. I look down at Wrigley, "What have I gotten myself into this time?"

He cocks his head slightly before laying on the floor. I lie back on the table, and I begin to realize how tired I am. I rest a hand on my stomach as I close my eyes. Could I really be pregnant?

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