Depresing shiz

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BlackHat's pov

   D-did... did he just admitted that he likes me... to my face?? Oh no! He must think that I hate him now! But really I think it's the opposite. I've had this weird and usual feeling around him for the past day but I thought that it was something to do with how good he is! I mean he's so kind and he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly, he is so precious! Wait what...? What does that even mean?

   What is going on? What is this feeling? I suddenly felt something warm trickle down my face from my eye. I put my hand to my face to see what it was. It felt like a liquid... does that mean...? Am I crying?? No! I can't be crying! I am BlackHat! The most feared demon in all of history! So why am I crying?! I felt a couple more tears roll down my face. I felt a sob burst from my throat as I fell to my knees. Am I feeling... guilty??

   I cried some more until I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I jump and quickly turned my head to see who touched me. It was The unicorn barf version of Dementia again! 

   "Go to him BlackHat, tell him how you feel right now." She said.

   "But that's the thing! I don't know how I feel! All of this is new to me!" I snapped at her.

   "Do you feel like you can't do anything?" She asked, I nodded. "Do you feel sad?" I nodded again. "Than you are probably feeling guilty about upsetting Whitey, you might have even fallen for him based on how worked up you are about this."

   "Fallen for him?" I asked.

   "Yes fallen for him, meaning you have strong emotions towards him." She replied.

   "Strong emotions?" I asked.

   "Wow, you really are arrogant aren't you? You might have fallen in love with him. And before you ask that means you, hmm how do I put this so even a stupid demon can understand? Oh I know! You want him as your mate!" She said in a somewhat rude way. 

   "Him as my mate?! No way! He is a hero, and a goddytwoshoes, and he is too kind, and too, too, too cute and adorable!" I yelled before I quickly covered my mouth instantly regretting what I just said.

   "See you want him as your mate now go to him!" She said pointing to the door.

   I stood up and ran, ran as fast as I can upstairs to the top floor where WhiteHat's room is. As I got near I could hear sobbing. I stopped just before his door. I put my ear up against it. I heard him crying and saying things like that he was stupid and why would he yell his feelings to me. I stood for a few minutes debating weather on not I should go through with this. 

   After a bit I decided to walk in. The lights were off, so I flicked the light switch. He wasn't in here. But I could still hear his crying. I looked around to see the bath room light was on. I walk over to it slowly. 

(This next part here contains some suicidal thoughts and self harm, If you don't like either of those things then I advise you to skip down to the authors note at the end.)

   I open the door up to see whiteHat on the ground with a razor in his hands making small cuts on his arm. I gasped and quickly snatched it away from him. I heard him gasp and turn around to look at me. He started to cry even more.

   "I-I didn't want you to find out this way! I didn't want you to know about this at all!" He said through sobs.

   I didn't know what to do. All I know was that I was looking at him one second and the next I was crouched down with my arms wrapped around him tightly.

   He gasped and sat there not knowing what to do. We hugged for a good minute before I separated a little.

   "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like this. I didn't even know you like anyone, let alone me! I've never experienced these feelings before. My father always taught me not to let emotions take ahold of me. So I never let anyone see any emotion other than rage and anger. I never knew what it felt like to be loved or anything. All I've ever known was hatred. I know now is probably not the best time to ask but... Do you want to teach me how to love?" I asked. I heard him gasp.

   "A-are you saying that you want to be mates?" He asked. I nodded. He started to cry more as he hugged me really tightly. I smiled and hugged back. 

   "So, now I must asked, how long have you been cutting yourself?" I said as I seperated from the hugg to look him stright in the eyes. He gulped.

   "Ever since I was little, all of the other demons picked on me for being so nice and kind. My parents hated me too. Nobody liked me. I was depressed. But I did my best to hide it. So I did just that, until one demon decided that he had enough of me and decided to fight me. At the time I hated the idea of fighting so I let him beat me up. When I got back home my parents asked me what happened. And being the good little kid I was I told them the truth. They of course were furious that I would just let myself get beat like that. They basically disowned me. I was banned to the human world. I tried to make a living but everyone treated me as a monster. Not even my kindest smile persuaded them to trust me. So I was a teenage demons living on the streets of some human city. It was like this for some time. Until one day a superhero saw some kids throwing rocks at me. He came over and shooed the kids off. He then looked at me and brought me to his home. Everything was nice for a while, but still nobody liked me. It was like that for many years before I finally became a hero myself, then everyone loved me, but I knew they only loved me because I got rid of a few bad guys, I knew that if it wasn't for that they would still be treating me like crap..." He explained.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry that had happened to you." I said as I hugged him. "All of the kids liked me when I was growing up, mainly because I was the perfect demon."

   "I can imagine..." He said with his hands wrapped around me.

   "So now that we are almost official mates, (There is a certain ritual that demons must take part in before becoming full mates, and it also makes them bond together for life. It's kinda like marriage but way more serious) I want you to promise me that you will never cut yourself again." I said kinda sternly. He nodded his head in agreement. "Okay, good." 

(Well that was depressing... Idk why I wanted to make this a feels chapter... I have a question for you guys, I made up my own little cartoon like thing and I was wondering if anyone would actually read a story that involves two "teenagers" who are in charge of keeping the world in order. They are both non human. One of them is a ghost named Eaven, they are agender, and the other is a vampire prince named Kalaraja or Kalo for short. If you guys want to see what the look like I will put a picture of them at the top of the next chapter. If you made it this far into the A/N you get a cookie.)

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