Returning Home

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Slug's pov.

    It's been about five days since Flug had returned from the hospital. We were so close to being done with the Multidimensional Machine. We both had mixed feelings, we were a bit sad that he would have to leave soon, but I know that he was also happy to be able to return back to his own universe.

    I knew that I was going to be lonely when he left, but I know that I can't just keep him here. I know that he would be like a caged tiger. He doesn't feel at home here. And plus he has his own friends and family that he needs to take care of.

   Things will deafeningly be different when he leaves, before he came I didn't know what it felt like to love and to be loved. Before he came here I never knew what true company was. But now when he leaves I will know about these things, but I will be shoved back into the dark. I sighed. Flug looked at me.

    "Is something wrong?" He asked.

     "I'm just thinking about how life will be like when you leave," told him.

     "I will visit you as much as I can if that makes you feel any better." He tried to reassure me. It didn't really work but it was kind that he even tried.

    "You better." I told him. He smiled and we continued working.

     We were only in there for an hour or two when the device was finished. We called for the hats to come down. They did and they looked confused.

    "We finished." Was all that I said. They looked at each other.

    "I guess that means I have to go." BlackHat said.

     "Yeah, I hope you have fun." WhiteHat said with a smile slowly forming on his lips. They hugged for a bit before BlackHat walked over to us.

No one's pov

    BlackHat walked over Flug. They were all sad that the two had to leave, but if they don't then the balance of the universe will be thrown off. And plus, Demencia and 5.0.5 needs the two. I mean how can a happy go lucky blue bear and a crazy chaotic lizard girl live without Flug making inventions and BlackHat selling them, it's impossible.

    Flug and Slug had already cloned the cubes with the hats had came down. They arranged one set of them. The portal opened. The couples each hugged and kissed one last time before they had separated. Flug was the first to jump through.

    Slug felt a pain in his heart as he saw his boyfriend disappeared.

    BlackHat was right about to leave, he turned to WhiteHat and blew him a kiss before he jumped through as well.

    WhiteHat felt the same pain as Slug, but he also felt the feeling of the other half of his soul slip away from him as if it was a fish that he had just caught with his bare hands. The feeling of completeness had turned to the feeling of emptiness. At the spot where he could feel everything that BlackHat felt where he could tell if something was wrong, vanished as if it was magic. It was not a nice feeling for him.

    Slug looked at his boss who had fallen to his knees from the horrible feeling.

    "Are you okay, sir?" Slug asked.

    "N-no," That was all that the demon could get out of his mouth. He knew something was wrong, he also wondered if BlackHat felt the same.

    He did. BlackHat had felt everything WhiteHat had felt when he had crossed to the other side. He felt the feeling of togetherness slip from his as well. He, like WhiteHat, felt truly alone.

Dr.Flug x Dr.Slug (Villainous)Where stories live. Discover now